0 Dmg From Minnions Amumu Build


So I got to thinking about this and.... what am i missing.
People run Leona support all the time. Very similar to amumu. Leona doesn't provide anything that amumu does except a more reliable and less range stun.
Leona's dash goes through minions which is very nice, but so what if it takes a little better timing for amumu to hit his stun.
Only reason I'm offering this out there is I am not saying amumu is a pro support or anything, but if leona works why can't amumu.
I feel amumu is a lot more viable and useful end game than leona anyways.
-pro ult
-longe range stun
-on par with leona's damage and most support's damage if not better than most
-passive damage reduction on auto attacks which is great vs ad carries
I love playing amumu but have had to stop b/c he is only seen in the jungle and at my elo people are smart enough to know if you invade you take him out of the game for a long time b/c it puts him so far behind.
Has anyone messed around with support amumu and why leona instead of amumu?

0 Dmg From Minions Amumu Build Guide

0 Dmg From Minions Amumu Build Guide

Best amumu buildBuild

Amumu Build Guide for Jungle lane Solo Queue made from Platinum+ matches. Item build order, starting item build order, LoL Tier List ranking, recent champion and item patch notes, reforged runes, and more! Oct 07, 2012  Welcome to the Forum Archive! Years of conversation fill a ton of digital pages, and we've kept all of it accessible to browse or copy over. Whether you're looking for reveal articles for older champions, or the first time that Rammus rolled into an 'OK'.

Amumu Build And Guide

Ah, perfect. This is how I always played him... (sometimes in 5s, sometimes in 3s).
1. You start out with Armor and 5 health pots, run 9/21/0 masteries, taking AP and the normal tank stuff. I usually run exhaust clarity... Exhaust is completely necessary, clarity can be substituted maybe with heal or something.
2. Mercury's or Ninja Tabi, depending on enemy team comp.
3. Aegis of the Legion!!!! Super Cheap for it's epicness, and the passive can support in groups.
4. I generally get Frozen Heart, you can also get MR... AP is coming up soon.
5. Now, I take Rylai's, and then Sunfire Cape for farm potential that is quite good with the w+ Sunfire Cape passive.
6. Last item is situational... Warmog's? Possibly. RoA? Sure! You don't have to get Sunfire Cape, you can sell the Aegis, you can get Banshee's for annoying casters, FoA (Usually not), or Thornmail, the ultimate counter to AD. Guardian Angel works too...
I use this build to lane... I've never really jungled with him, partly because I play in 3s 60-70% of the time. Obviously, he is GOLD in team fights... q in, then ult, all while W is on, spamming the cr*p out of EEEEEEEEE. I'm quite experienced with Amumu, probably got about 50 matches or so with him under my belt (that's probably not A LOT, but it's definitely enough to trust my advice... I do pretty well with him too). Early game, when you duo lane, you ult to secure easy kills, don't be too aggressive, but keep in mind that you can generally 1v2 when waiting for help with your ult up because of your tankiness and damage output (I generally do... and they both end up running. Then you can Q again, and/or exhaust for the kill when help comes). Turret diving is fine at later levels.