Best Dmg Buff From Pet Latale

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A list of classes, and NPCs from the MMORPG La Tale. Page under construction.



A mild Glass Cannon who wields greatswords and spears, Warriors dish out huge amounts of damage, but have only average defense. They can promote to either the Warlord or the Blader.
  • BFS: Their first Weapon of Choice.
  • Blade on a Stick: Their second Weapon of Choice.
  • Glass Cannon/Lightning Bruiser: They tend to alternate between the two depending on their build.

Warlord -> Dragoon -> Hero

The first promoted option of the Warrior, they use upgraded versions of their greatsword and spear skills, and have more skills to use in their arsenal.
  • Blade Spam: They become quite proficient at this using their spears to unleash powerful multihit attacks.
  • Lightning Bruiser: They learn passives to increase their survivability, and can deal pretty great sustained damage.
  • Sword Beam: They've learned how to do this with their greatswords.


The subclass of the Warlord, they wield large shurikens known as Spiral Swords, and excel in darting around the battlefield, dragging along enemies with their powerful spiral skills.
  • Close-Range Combatant: They need to get in range to deal damage, but they have fantastic mobility to help them with this.
  • Everything's Better with Spinning: The Highlander is practically the god of this trope.
  • Fuma Shuriken: The Spiral Sword is effectively this.

Blader -> Strider -> Blade Master

The second promoted option of the Warrior, they wield dual blades and specialize in incredibly powerful and long basic attack combos.
  • Blade Spam: Very much so.
  • Boring, but Practical: They mostly rely on their basic attacks to deal damage, having few offensive skills, with most of their active skills being buffs. They're also known for having extremely high damage output in the endgame.
  • Dual Wielding: Their dual blades range from resembling long knives to straight up BFS.
  • Glass Cannon: Bladers sacrifice durability for immense damage potential.
  • Required Secondary Powers: You really need good ping and connection to make the most out of their damage output.

Sword Dancer

The subclass of the Blader, they wield two floating swords known as Psionic Blades, and excel in destroying large groups of mobs quickly with their potent arsenal of telekinetic blades.
  • Blade Spam: Sword Dancers take this Up to Eleven by being capable of summoning a massive amount of swords in an area.
  • Crippling Overspecialization: Sword Dancers are amazing at destroying large groups of mobs very quickly thanks to their passive chance to summon additional swords per hit. Unfortunately, their damage output tends to suffer a bit when facing single bosses as a result.
  • Fragile Speedster: They're not as strong as the Blade Master in terms of raw damage, but have very good mobility to compensate for it.
  • Psychic Powers: They utilize this to use their swords and their skills.


Knights are the tanks of the La Tale world. They boast the highest defenses and stamina, though their damage is relatively average compared to the Warrior. As the tank, they can learn buffs which can increase the offenses and defenses of them and their allies. They use one-handed swords, clubs, and knuckles. They can promote to the Templar or the Guardian.
  • An Axe to Grind: Some of the Knight's maces manifest as axes.
  • Carry a Big Stick: Maces are the more offensively oriented skill tree of the Knight.
  • Cool Sword: Longswords are the more defensively oriented skill tree of the Knight.
  • Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me: They can equip shields which significantly boost their defense, allowing them to tank efficiently.
  • Stone Wall: They're the main tank of the game, so their standout stat is Stamina.

Templar/Temple Knight -> Holy Order -> Savior

The first promotion of the Knight, they use upgraded versions of their longsword and mace skills, and excel in tanking enormous amount of damage for their teammates and smiting enemies with holy power.
  • Everything's Better with Spinning: The mace tree has Power Grind, which can draw in plenty of mobs and hits multiple times, making it one of the best skills for luring in mobs.
  • Holy Hand Grenade: Many of their skills are light-based.
  • Lightning Bruiser: They are fantastic tanks, their skills have fast windup, and boast incredible damage output in the endgame.
  • Throwing Your Shield Always Works: They learn this as a skill, which can stun enemies.

Terror Knight

The subclass of the Templar, they wield massive gauntlets and excel in crushing enemies and stealing their lifeforce with dark powers.
  • Life Drain: To compensate for the lack of shields, they can steal enemy health to keep themselves alive.
  • Mighty Glacier: Terror Knights are very strong, but are lacking in mobility and speed.
  • Power Fist: They wield large, heavy gauntlets.

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Guardian -> Saint -> Sefirot

The second promotion of the Knight, they wield knuckles and ditch some of their tanking power for more damage, utilizing a very wide range of skills that can be used in flexible and variable combos.
  • Close-Range Combatant: Their fairly balanced offenses and defenses are hampered by their mediocre range, requiring them to get up close and personal.
  • Jack-of-All-Stats: Guardians are more balanced than their Templar counterparts, dropping some defense power in exchange for power and mobility.
  • Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs: Their White Tiger Strike has them do this.


The subclass of the Guardian, they wield psychic hands and psychic boots and specialize in incredible mobility and swift combos with their basic attacks.

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  • Close-Range Combatant: Just like their Guardian counterparts.
  • Fragile Speedster: They're faster than their counterparts, but have lesser defenses.
  • Extremity Extremist: Subverted, despite their name, they still use punches alongside kicks.
  • Psychic Powers: They can create psychic fields to damage their foes.


Wizards are the obligatory Squishy Wizard. Using magic as their main stat, they can utilize offensive magic with the 4 elements, Water, Fire, Wind, and Earth, and can also use some healing magic. Wizards can use staves or daggers. They can promote to the Sorcerer or the Bard.
  • An Ice Person: Their 7th Legend skill unleashes a blizzard that covers the entire screen.
  • Difficult, but Awesome: They are a little more difficult to build than other classes. In the early game, they have low damage, low defenses, and have to work with two weapons at the same time (their main hand weapon and their elemental stone) to keep their damage consistent, making them a bit more expensive than others. That said, they have fantastic damage potential in the endgame.
  • Elemental Powers: They use Water, Wind, Fire, and Earth.
  • Knife Nut: They can use daggers if they choose so, however, it's often noted to be quite a bad idea due to running off their poor Strength stat.
  • Playing with Fire: Their 14th Legend skill summons a phoenix which incinerates everything on the screen.
  • Simple Staff: They use a staff to boost their magic alongside an elemental stone.
  • Squishy Wizard: They have high Magic, but low defenses.

Sorcerer -> Elemental Master -> Archmage

The first promotion of the Wizard, they wield staves and orbs, and specialize in unleashing magical devastation using their mastery of all the four elements, sporting a very wide range of magical spells they can mix and match together.
  • Colony Drop: Their Pole skills use this with all 4 elements, and gain a much more powerful one as their 4th Legend skill.
  • Elemental Powers: Their knowledge of the four elements has greatly improved:
    • Water sports the lowest cooldowns, has fast windup on their spells, and has fantastic crowd control with their slows, but they have the lowest base damage, needing Growth to make them powerful.
    • Wind has the second lowest cooldowns, and has incredibly fast windup on their skills, but they have low base damage, being reliant on the Growth system.
    • Fire has extremely high damage but they have the slowest cooldowns, a slow windup on their skills, and offer no crowd control whatsoever.
    • Earth has fantastic range and good damage, but has slow cooldowns and mediocre crowd control.
  • Glass Cannon: Their damage potential is incredibly high, but they have low defenses.
  • Megaton Punch: Gaia Force creates a massive rock fist and punches the enemy with it. If it deals a critical hit, it can be used again, and if it deals another critical hit, it stuns the enemy for a few seconds.
  • Standard Status Effects: The Water spell tree is best known for their Ice Flank spell, which creates a zone that greatly slows any enemies that walk into it. Combined with the Water mastery passive, and you get a very potent source of crowd control.

Phantom Mage

The subclass of the Sorcerer, they wield dual bladed scythes known as battle staves, and specialize in dealing both physical and magical damage at the same time, and sporting some great crowd control with their skills.
  • Awesome, but Impractical: Prior to their rework, Phantom Mages required an equal investment of enchants to both physical and magical damage, which was far more difficult than it sounded. It was fixed by unifying their enchants to dual damage.
  • Drop the Hammer: Their Earth aspected skill manifests as an adorable looking rabbit hammer which can stun enemies.
  • Green Thumb: Secret Garden summons a thicket of sharp thorns to bind and cause the enemy to bleed.
  • Grim Reaper: They can summon the Grim Reaper to slash enemies in a wide area and inflict confusion.
  • Improbable Weapon User: Their Water aspected skill manifests as a golf club which can slow enemies.
  • Jack-of-All-Stats: Phantom Mages benefit from stacking every stat, making them quite balanced.
  • Magic Knight: They use both Strength and Magic for their damage.
  • Power Gives You Wings: They sport magical wings from their back when wielding their weapon.
  • Sinister Scythe: Their battle staves are basically this but in name, and their Fire aspected skill manifests as a dark scythe which can cause enemies to bleed.
  • Standard Status Effects: They can inflict stuns, slows, bleeds, binds, sleep, and confusion with their array of skills.
  • Whip It Good: Their Wind aspected skill manifests as a whip which strikes enemies multiple times. They gain a stronger version as their 11th Legend skill.

Bard -> Minstrel -> Pop Star

The second promotion of the Wizard, they wield guitars and specialize in aiding allies with their potent healing melodies and assorted buffs, but can also help out in battle with their improved Water spells and song attacks.
  • An Ice Person/Making a Splash: Bards specialize solely in Water magic, unlike their Sorcerer counterparts.
  • Death of a Thousand Cuts: Evil Sound and Evil Performance specialize in this trope to a T. Evil Performance in particular hits at least five times a second and later ten times per second, so an offensively built Popstar becomes one of the best damage dealers in the entire game. Evil Performance is so potent, it's practically the only offensive skill you need, not counting the Infinity skills and Legend attack skills.
  • Gradual Grinder: They have few options for actual burst, so their form of damage consists of quickly whittling down enemies' health with their multihit skills.
  • Healing Hands: They're the only class apart from the Templar capable of doing some actual healing for their allies.
  • Instrument of Murder: One of their skills has them smash an electric guitar to damage enemies. They also gain a much more powerful version as their 4th Legend skill.
  • Magic Music: Their music is definitely magical in property.
  • Magikarp Power: Their damage output is decent as a Bard and Minstrel, but nothing too special. Then you become a Popstar, and suddenly you're easily one of the best damage dealers in the entire game.
  • Musical Assassin: Their song attacks can deal a good amount of damage.
  • Status Buff: The Bard is the god of this trope, having plenty of supportive buffs for them and their allies.


Best Dmg Buff From Pet LataleThe subclass of the Bard, they wield conductor's batons and specialize in powerful area damage by summoning orchestra players and musicians.
  • Beware the Silly Ones: Don't let the fact that they summon orchestra players to attack fool you, they're even deadlier than their Bard counterparts when it comes to raw damage.
  • Death from Above: Grazioso summons a large Priring to drop down on a drum, damaging and stunning all enemies hit. Their 11th Legend skill summons a Mutant Mechapring to drop down on the drum, dealing massive damage.
  • Life Drain: Their Prestissimo spell creates an area that damages all enemies and drains their health for up to 2% of the damage dealt. Maestros can also provide this as a short buff for their allies.
  • Musical Assassin: Even moreso than their Bard counterparts, as they can inflict curses, bleeds, stuns, and drain enemies' health with their melodies.
  • Simple, yet Awesome: They're considered as one of the easiest classes to play, thanks to having great area damage, a very effective life drain to keep themselves alive, and good crowd control.


The Fragile Speedster, Explorers can utilize up to 3 different weapons: daggers, bows, and crossbows, and have access to active and passive buffs that increase item drop rate, evasion, and more. Their main stat is Luck, and they can either promote to the Treasure Hunter, or the Gunslinger.
  • Archer Archetype: They can wield bows and crossbows to attack from range.
  • Critical Hit Class: The Explorer is very reliant on critical hits for their damage output.
  • Difficult, but Awesome: Explorers have a fairly weak early game, relying on critical hits to deal any actual damage. Once they do start landing critical hits consistently, their damage potential is very high.
  • Fragile Speedster: They're quite mobile, but have low defenses.
  • Knife Nut: They can wield daggers, giving them great mobility in exchange for short range and slightly lower damage potential. They can also carry shields to help mitigate their low defenses however.

Treasure Hunter -> Ruin Walker -> Wind Stalker

The first promotion of the Explorer, they continue to wield daggers, bows, and crossbows, and use upgraded versions of their skills. They gain access to some very useful passive buffs that can improve item drop rate, ely gain rate, and critical damage, and can also produce cannons and springboards out of nowhere.
  • Money Sink: Their secondary resource is EP, which is recharged by spending a certain amount of ely or by gaining ely from killing enemies. EP is used to fuel the Wind Stalker's more powerful skills.
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Story NPCs

Iris Livier

A mysterious girl who fought the Demon King and vanished right after. Her disappearance is what drives the player's journey.
  • Archer Archetype: Her signature bow, the Serestia. The player gets to use it early on in the story to defeat the goblins invading Belos.
  • Base-Breaking Character: In-universe. There are those who admire her and want to see her again (such as Muwen, Zoe, and Ases), and then there are those who hate her and blame her for the world's current state (Dark Moon Princess and Choen Pam).
  • Big Good: She is the main driving force behind the player character's journey.
  • Convenient Coma: After so very long, you finally, finally manage to find her inside the Waterlily Forest in Lumen... except she's unconscious. Oh, come on!
  • Mysterious Waif: A lot of her past is shrouded in total mystery.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero!: The 14th and final Legend quest finally reveals just how she vanished. To defeat the Demon King, the goddess Seres granted Iris all of her power, which essentially made her into the new Seres. Unfortunately, this act would result in the world losing Seres' protection, releasing all of the other great evils that were sealed away. Feeling guilty at what had happened, Iris disappeared to a place very far away, with her only known whereabouts being in an 'Eastern Continent', later revealed to be Lumen in the Dark Chaser expansion.
  • Secret Test of Character: Iris reveals at the very end of the 14th Legend quest that the various stone towers scattered around the world were a test for the player to see if they were worthy to learn the truth about her disappearance. She then mentions being in an 'Eastern Continent', later revealed to be Lumen.

Kazno Nas

One of Iris' companions during her journey who was known for being quite the flirt towards women.
  • Humanoid Abomination: He is revealed to be the Agasura Nightmare in Vanaheimr.
  • Token Good Teammate: Even as an Agasura, he's still not evil, and admits that he didn't even want to resort to revealing his true form.

Levi Arens

One of Iris' companions who accompanied her on a contract with Pandora.
  • Punch-Clock Hero: He only helps Iris because of his contract with Pandora. That said, he still views her with respect even after her disappearance.
  • One Steve Limit: Averted. Another Levi you meet in the Druid Ridge reveals that there are many who sport the name Levi, but with different surnames.

Dark Moon Princess

The princess of Dark Moon Castle and a companion of Iris, but eventually left on bad terms.
  • Archer Archetype: She uses a pink bow in battle.
  • Break the Cutie: She does not take Choen Pam's betrayal very well.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: She's initially quite haughty and bitchy towards the player, but slowly comes to warm up to them over time.
  • Morality Pet: She considers Choen Pam to be her best friend, and regards her with kindness. Which makes learning about Choen'struenature much more heartbreaking for her.
  • Tsundere: Very much so.

Choen Pam

The companion of Dark Moon Princess who accompanies Iris, and eventually left on bad terms as well.

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  • Big Bad: Of the original storyline.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Oh so very much. She casually admits that she never really gave a shit about Dark Moon, and mocks her for thinking she was her friend.
  • Eldritch Abomination: Her true identity is the Agasura Phoenix.
  • Kick the Dog: She tops off her status as a massive bitch by literally kicking Dark Moon while she's down.
  • Starter Villain: After defeating her as the Agasura Phoenix, she doesn't really show up anymore in the storyline (aside from appearing as a mini-boss in an optional Time Attack dungeon). That, and she's also the first major villain to appear in the game.
  • 0% Approval Rating: While she is well liked in Aoich, virtually everyone in Atlantis and Midgard utterly despises her, and for good reason, given her true identity.


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