Do Greater Rifes Dmg Go Off Base Health

In this game, damage is registered onto an enemy champion and displayed above them over their health bar. For example, dealing 500 damage to a 1000 health Tristana registers above her and makes it look as though half her health went red. The same amount of damage against a 3000 health Volibear only makes 1/6th of his health go red.
I will explain how all the individual stats that influence damage dealt and damage mitigated combine. First I will explain how damage mitigation works, and then I will explain how damage amplification works.


Health is represented ingame by a green bar situated next to the blue mana bar, with a fraction reading the current amount of health over the maximum amount possible. Current health is directly reduced by damage, maximum health reduction is usually percentage-based and will take from current health to represent such effect.

Keep in mind you need to gain a total of 17% damage to go up 1 GR due to health scaling. If you have a specific goal in mind, you can actually figure out how much you need. For example, you just got a Furnace in the cube that gives you 50% additional damage against the Rift Guardian, and now you feel like your weakness is clearing up to the Rift Guardian. Nov 28, 2017 Maybe a dataminer can provide the hard stats from the game files for the range. Specialists damage doesn’t drop off at range like other classes weapons do. I didn’t include damage from base weapons because DICE made them all inferior to other weapons and they won’t even let us customize them with attachments.

Damage Mitigation

There are 2 ways to mitigate flat damage, health and armor. First damage is reduced by a percentage according to the opponents armor, and then the remaining portion is subtracted from the opponents health. First I will explain health.
Each point of health simply increases the total amount of flat damage required to kill your champion by 1 point. For example, If you have a 1000 health kog'maw that purchases a warmogs armor for 1000 additional health, then kog'maw now has 2000 health and has doubled the total amount of flat damage required to kill him. This means that a 1000 point nuke that would have instantly red-barred kog'maw without warmogs, now only makes 50% of his life bar red.
The percentage of your health that goes red from flat damage is equal to the flat damage after armor and other mitigations have reduced it, divided by your maximum health.
Each point of armor increases the total amount of flat physical damage required to kill your champion by 1% of your maximum health. For example, If you have a 2000 health renekton, and you purchase a 45 armor chain vest, then now riven must deal 900 (45% of 2000) more total physical damage in order to kill renekton.
The percentage of your health that goes red from flat damage equal to your maximum health, is equal to 100 / (100 + armor).

Do Greater Rifes Dmg Go Off Base Healthcare

Armor and Health
Armor and health combine multiplicatively. This word means, that the more that you have of one, the more valuable the other is worth. Obviously, this means that in order to maximize the amount of flat physical damage your champion can withstand, you must have a balanced mix of health and armor. I will illustrate this with an example, which you may check using the facts presented above.
A mundo with 0 armor and 5000 health can sustain 5000 points of flat physical damage before dying.
A mundo with 400 armor and 1000 health can also sustain 5000 points of flat physical damage before dying.
A mundo with 200 armor and 3000 health can sustain 9000 points of flat physical damage before dying.
Damage Amplification

There are 4 ways to amplify damage, flat damage, armor penetration, attack speed, and critical strikes. I will explain them in that order.

Do Greater Rifts Dmg Go Off Base Health Clinic

Flat damage
Each point of damage you deal negates one hit point your opponent has. You may think of it as the opposite of health. I will give two examples, one with a normal kog'maw and a normal nuke, the other with a kog'maw that purchased a giant's belt for an extra 380 health, and an augmented nuke that does 380 more damage. For our first example, a 1000 health kog'maw receives a 500 damage nuke, which makes 50% of his health go red and leaves him with 500 health left. For our second example, a 1380 health kog'maw receives a 880 damage nuke, which makes 63.7% of his health go red and also leaves him with 500 health left. Each level up, a champion gains a small amount of flat attack damage.
The percentage of your health that goes red from flat damage is equal to the flat damage after armor and other mitigations have reduced it, divided by your maximum health.

Do Greater Rifes Dmg Go Off Base Health Care

Armor penetration
Do Greater Rifes Dmg Go Off Base HealthThere are four kinds of armor mitigation, flat armor penetration and percentage armor penetration, flat armor reduction and percentage armor reduction. I will explain them in that order.
Each point of flat armor penetration reduces the amount of total flat physical damage required to kill the target by 1% of their maximum health. You may think of it as the opposite of armor. For example, If your opponent has a 2000 health renekton, and he purchases a 45 armor chain vest, then now your riven must deal 900 (45% of 2000) more total physical damage in order to kill renekton. However, if riven has 45 flat armor penetration, then she negates the benefit of renekton's chain vest, and in doing so now needs to deal 900 less total physical damage to kill renekton.

Do Greater Rifes Dmg Go Off Base Health Center

Each 1% armor penetration grants you flat armor penetration, only against that particular target, equal to 1% of that targets armor. Multiple % armor penetration sources do not stack additively, they are applied sequentially. For example, if you have 50% armor penetration, and then you acquire another 50% armor penetration, you actually have effectively 75% armor penetration. In other words, they are applied one after the other, rather than at the same time.
Flat armor reduction and percentage armor reduction works exactly the same way that armor penetration and percentage armor penetration works, except that you literally reduce your target's armor. This is useful if someone else on your team does physical damage, because their damage will be mitigated less if the opponent has lower armor.
Armor mitigation is performed in the following way:Do Greater Rifes Dmg Go Off Base Health
1. Armor reduction, flat
2. Armor reduction, percentage
3. Armor penetration, percentage
4. Armor penetration, flat
So if kog'maw has 50 armor, but renekton reduces it by 50, then none of renekton's percentage armor reduction, percentage armor penetration, or flat armor penetration matters. In fact, none of those things matter for anyone who attacks kog'maw because kog'maw has 0 armor. Keep in mind that flat reduction is the ONLY way to reduces a champion's armor below 0, and they will take amplified damage according to their negative armor.
The percentage of your health that goes red from flat damage equal to your maximum health, is equal to 100 / (100 + armor).
Attack speed

Do Greater Rifts Dmg Go Off Base Health Center

For each 1% of attack speed, your champion's attack speed is increased by 1% of his base attack speed. Keep in mind that 2.5 is the maximum number of attacks a champion can make per second. Each champion has a base attack speed that determines how well that champion scales with attack speed increases. For example, olaf has a base attack speed of 0.694, but annie has a base attack speed of only 0.579. Each level up, champions gain a small amount of % attack speed automatically. For example, a level 18 annie needs 308.88% attack speed from runes, masteries and items to cap out her attacks at 2.5 per second, while olaf only needs 214.1%.
Your base attack speed can be reduced by a % attack speed reduction. For example, the frozen heart reduces the base attack speed of any nearby enemy champion by 20%. Because attack speed increases work off of a % of the base attack speed, a 20% reduction in base attack speed effectively reduces total attack speed by 20%. For example, olaf has 2.5 attacks per second but he is near someone who has a frozen heart, which reduces his base attack speed by 20%. This has the effect of reducing his total attack speed by 20%, so that he has 2 attacks per second, rather than 2.5 attacks per second.
Critical Strikes
The critical strike system in this game is not purely chance. Imagine flipping a coin 10 times. It isn't likely that you will land on heads 5 times in a row, or on tails 5 times in a row, but given ten thousand trials you just might. People auto attack ALOT in league of legends, and so a long time ago the algorithms responsible for handling the critical strike system were changed to make long strings of 'lucky' critical strikes extremely unlikely, and long strings of 'unlucky' non critical strikes also extremely unlikely. Technically, the more consecutive critical strikes you have performed, the less your chances of critically striking on your next attack, and the opposite for consecutive non critical strikes. Your critical strike chance statistic is just a base value that the algorithm is seeded with. The only exceptions are 0% critical strike chance, and 100% critical strike chance.
The game currently does not differentiate between ranged critical strikes and melee critical strikes; they apply the same damage multiplier. A critical strike does 2 times normal damage. There are means of increasing this damage multiplier, through the use of infinity edge for example, which increases your base critical strike damage modifier from 2.0 to 2.5. Critical strike damage stacks additively, so if you take the 10% critical strike damage mastery in addition to the infinity edge, your critical strike damage multiplier is 2.6, rather than 2.0.
Only auto attacks and specific spells can critically strike. If a spell can critically strike it will state that in its spell description, and any critical strike damage modifier works normally with it. Examples are gangplank's parrrley, and garen's judgement.
Flat damage, Armor penetration, Attack speed, and Critical strikes
Similar to armor and health, each of the four damage augmentation statistics are multiplicative. This means that a balanced mix of the four statistics will produce more average damage per second than an unbalanced mix will.
Given all things are equal, attack speed is inferior to armor penetration and flat attack damage in the majority of circumstances. Having 2.5 attacks per second means that your champion must stop moving 2.5 times each second and perform an auto attack animation in order to do their full DPS. This means that an enemy doesn't have to run very fast to make it so that you can't both keep up with him and do your full 2.5 attacks each second.
The one circumstance in which attack speed is superior to armor penetration and flat attack damage is overkill. Overkill is bad because it is wasted damage. Having a larger number of smaller attacks ensures that overkill is diminished.
Keep in mind that 'average' damage per second is a naive approximation. For example, Tryndamere is critically striking for 1000 damage and can kill kog'maw with 3 critical strikes. He watches his attacks carefully to make sure that he doesn't engage kog'maw until he has had an abnormally long string of non critical strikes, in order to maximize his chances of performing a free critical strike on kog'maw. Even though Tryndamere would see greater average DPS by building a mix of stats, in this case he will be able to see a greater amount of DPS over the short 3 seconds during which his DPS matters by simply building a large amount of flat attack damage and critical strike damage, because kog'maw will run from tryndamere anyway. If Tryndamere had only 1 attack per second, it would be sufficient, and if he had 2.0 attacks per second, it would be a waste, because he will not be able to attack that quickly with kog'maw running from him.
Currently I am running 2 duplicates of this thread in the General and the Guides and strategy forums. If couldn't decide where this thread belongs, so a moderator can decide for me and delete the other 2.

So riot has been ****ing this game up more and more with every patch.
and in between the bugs (both visual and gameplay wise) i've had enough of tanks doing more damage than bruisers, adc's and apc's together.
I liked it when it first came out, it was fun to try, but as more and more meta tactics started appearing one thing became very ****ing clear:
Now you are gonna downvote me for saying this, but it's overpowered and imbalanced as ****.
im gonna use amumu and zac as examples, but there are plenty more where this came from. like sejuani,
You give champs like amumu, zac, etc damage based on the enemy's max health, and what do you get? champs that deal insane amount of damage because
A) they scale on the enemy, not based on their own items (logic? where?)
B) these skills also come with a neat low cooldown or no cooldown at all (mumu's AoE is permanent until turned off, zac has like 4 seconds of cooldown on his base, etc)
C) the champion which has these abilities almost always come with a whole heap of CC (zac: jump >short duration stun, Q > slow, ult>knockback, amumu: stun, aoe root)
this raises a lot of issues, of which most pressing are:
A) these champions can become nearly unkillable in 1 or 2 v 1s because they go full tank but still have no cooldown and have scaling abilities they dont really build towards.
B) it's hard to counter them effectively as they have so many tank stats yet so much damage, so going squishy damage dealer against them as say an adc doesnt work, but going as tanky doesnt work either because you do lose damage because you dont scale like they do.
C) The items riot implements are giving these tanky characters too much stats at once on just one item, and they are making it worse and worse (i.e. they removed the warmog and force of nature combo and made it into one item, opening up an extra slot...)
D) riot goes and implements characters to try and counter tanks such as vayne, but vayne tends to be a lot stronger to squishy champs than the actual targeted crowd (tanks) as she just needs one full silver bolts combo to annihilate champs with low hp, while tanks needs 3-4 full stacks hits.
Now the only solutions i see to this problem are:
A)Remove the % damage completely
now this is harsh and i dont really like it myself either, as it adds a sense of diversity
B)remove BASE % damage and make it only obtainable through scaling
C) remove tanky items which give so many retarded op stats on one item (spirit of the golem anyone? max tenacity, high hp regen, mana regen, cooldown reduction and health for a really low price? and faster jungler? what the **** was riot thinking?)
I hope you guys read this, and perhaps some riot personnel actually takes this into account. and i really hope im not the only one who hates a sejuani with spirit of the golem and sunfire tanking a turret and raping 3 guys under it without any effort. (just an example :x)
TL;DR version:
>Tanks are OP because of the % max HP damage stat (in most cases, this is generally speaking)
>raises problems riot tries to adress but actually makes it worse
>solutions... remove it? make it only scalable? any suggestions?
EDIT: i am not saying tanks need a nerf, far from it. Tanks need to become tanks, not damage dealing health packs.
in the end all i want is for tanks to be tanks, an almost unmovable object, but not one that can solo rape an adc because that's NOT his role.