How Much Dmg Does Leblancs New Passive Do

How much dmg does leblancHow Much Dmg Does Leblancs New Passive Do

As a slightly older LoL player, as in me playing my brothers account sometimes, I think LeBlanc's current passive is underwhelming. So, I will propose two different buffs to her passive. First: The first idea would be to buff her passive. As is, she gets a clone once a minute after falling below X% health. What if, to give her some extra power behind the passive, she removes all non-summoner spell damage over time effects as well? Or even give her clone the exact same visuals. As it stands, anyone with a DoT, slow, stun, or other lingering effects, which is a large base of the champions, will automatically know the difference. In addition to this buff, I find it would be a little more beneficial for when it goes off to have it either 1) restore 5/7.5/10 percent max health, upgrading at levels 7 and 13 or 2) have her gain a shield of 30(+10 per level)(+20% of Ability Power). Numbers can be changed and balanced, but this is just an idea for a buff towards such an underwhelming passive as is. Second: Keeping the idea of a diversion, rather than getting more health or shield, why not more clones? The idea is to fool the enemies, yes? Then at certain levels, increase the number of clones that are spawned around her. This will be more confusing to the enemies and allow her more chances at living. Cap the max number of clones at 3, maybe 4. They still do no damage, but they also make LeBlanc's passive more noticeable and more confusing. It won't be so underwhelming. Thoughts on both ideas?

How Much Dmg Does Leblanc's New Passive Do Youtube

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First, I was stumbling arround trying to find more about leblanc and how to fight her. However I stumbled on this video:
The video shows a clone of Leblanc going forward and auto attacking for a kill. However i was confused as the tooltip for her passive is such:
Mirror Image COOLDOWN: 60
Mirror Image
When LeBlanc is brought below 40% health, she instantly becomes stealthed for half a second. When the stealth fades, she creates a clone of herself that can move and attack (but deals no damage except for on-hit effects), has 53 + (17 × level) less health, and lasts for up to 8 seconds. Mirror Image has a static cooldown and is unaffected by cooldown reduction.
Leash Range: 1125 (estimate)
I guess my real question is, what killed the Veigar in this video if not Leblanc's clone. I know the clone DOES apply on hit effects, but Leblanc only has a dorans ring, her masteries would only add a 5% AP on her auto attack and at low level thats less than 5 HP.

How Much Dmg Does Leblanc's New Passive Door

More damage in one move, theoretically longer range (850). In a set time window where damage will be traded, it makes sense for you to do as much damage to your opponent as possible right? Given the inability to activate sigil at level 1 anyway, this only further shifts it in this favour. Let's talk about Leblanc's passive. 1,310,587 hi im mimic. Let's talk about Leblanc's passive. I think it's fair to identify the change to her passive as the largest change to LBs kit. The toggle ult can be.