League Of Legends Movement Impaired Enemies Take More Dmg

Syndra picks up and throws a Dark Sphere or enemy minion dealing magic damage and slowing the Movement Speed of enemies. E Scatter the Weak. Syndra knocks enemies and Dark Spheres back dealing magic damage. Enemies hit by Dark Spheres become stunned. R Unleashed Power. Syndra bombards an enemy Champion with all of her Dark Spheres. Akali drops a cover of smoke. While inside the shroud, Akali becomes invisible and unable to be selected by enemy spells and attacks and gains Movement Speed. Attacking or using abilities will briefly reveal her. Shuriken Flip. Flip backward and fire a shuriken forward, dealing physical damage. The first enemy or smoke cloud hit is marked.

Short Story: A Talented mage who finds joy at the sight of bending others will, Mobus took it upon himself to master the arts of suppression . Role: Juggernaut/SupportMeleePassive: Joy at the Sight - Mobus heals when a champion gets their movement impaired around him. Q: Pulse - Mobus casts a pulse wave infront of him that lasts .25 seconds, enemies hit are pushed back and projectiles that hit the pulse are swallowed (think of it like a windwall you have to time very well and position with a tad bit of cc.) Does no damage. W: Encase - Cast on Ally: Increases Ally movementspeed aswell as surrenders half of his Armor and Magic resist to encased ally, Mobus cannot move while channeling this and the effect will wear off if ally gets too distant from Mobus. Cast on enemy: Mobus channels encasing enemy in a magic shell greatly reducing Mobus' movement speed, enemy cannot move or attack, if Mobus can only cast pulse, if Mobus casts Pulse while an enemy is encased, Mobus himself will be propelled backwards from the magic shell and the enemy will be slowed. E: Astral Rush - Mobus becomes immobile while channeling an image of him with increased movement speed that cannot be attacked or attack, the only way to cancel this ability is to cast again, porting Mobus to the image. (This can be used as a scouting mechanism aswell as an engage from afar, however Mobus will be highly vaulnerable while casting this and if his image is also in a bad spot he will be doomed, use wisely.) R: Stronger than You - Mobus focuses and channels power for 5 seconds slowing his movement speed and increasing Armor and Magic resist by 300%, all enemies that strike Mobus while channeling are suppressed airborne and take damage based on Armor and Magic resist as-well as increased damage per enemy suppressed. Once the channel is complete Mobus does a slight knockup to suppressed champions. (Idk, i feel like we dont have enough messed up in the head champions. His sole reason is to prove dominance over others by doing little damage but bringing in some creative and hard cc, his whole life is making you feel worthless, Dominator. and yes also heals when he impairs himself )

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League Of Legends Movement Impaired Enemies Take More Dmg
so, what exactly do they mean by impaired movements -> AND ACTIONS? and i would like to have an literal answere. got two different sources, one that tells that any cc/silence/fear/taunt is counted in, the other says only on heavy CC like knockup, slow, stun dunno.. didnt really get how they would differentiate CC. CC = crowd control. as from this wiki > Crowd control (commonly shortened to CC) is a blanket term used in League of Legends to describe abilities or spells that remove or diminish the control a target unit has over aspects of itself - aspects such as being able to cast spells or initiate movement commands http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Crowd_control is what i am hoping for that is meant by "ACTIONS". the term "impaired movement" is a nobrainer, no doubt, no need to discuss that. But what is meant by impaired actions? again, i really hope they refer to literally all types of CC and not just movement


League Of Legends Movement Impaired Enemies Take More Dmg Lyrics

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