Lethality Vs Crit Dmg Yasuo

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  4. Lethality Vs Crit Dmg Yasuo 2
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Remember that Yasuo's base crit damage is 180%, not 200% (10% less). For DPS, I'm taking a 1.0 AS, but its irrelevant. TL;DR: Mathematically, do not take crit runes, except the conventional single crit mark for 1% (2%) if you want. However, the difference is very little and you can trust your luck to win trades. May 21, 2011  Critical damage is the bonus damage that occurs when the crit lands. Per example, if you have 25% critical chance, on average, 1 in 4 attacks will land a crit. Conventional crits deal 200% normal damage. If you have bonus crit damage (such as the infinity edge or trynda bloodlust) when you do crit you do so for 200% + the bonus damage.

Oct 20, 2019 Today we're gonna show you Lethality Zed vs. Crit Zed Fights. Who will win? LIKE and SUBSCRIBE for more videos like this! Don't forget to click the Bell to join Notification Squad!

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Lethality + Max Critical Yasuo [7.19]

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Dashin in with ur Q and make somes dmg


Still the brokenest champ !

Skill Sequence

Dash on enemy when ur shield is up and dash out whth a creep behind

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CritBest Combo Early Q+E+Q+AA+Q

Lethality Vs Crit Dmg Yasuo 2

Train u for Beyblade, Airblade