Mu Online How To Increase Wing Dmg

  1. Mu Online How To Increase Wing Dmg In Windows
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Mu online how to increase wing dmg in games

Mu Online How To Increase Wing Dmg In Windows

Jun 20, 2009 Ingredients: One (1) +9 Level 2 Wing with +4 dmg/1% rec option or higher One (1) +7 Ancient Item with +4 option or higher One (1) Jewel of Chaos, 1 Jewel of Creation and 10 Stacked of Jewel of Soul. And those reach 700 get a + 15 wing no info on those either and they also get a bound lvl +3 +11 wing if they also make a bonus char lvl 400 it is wery wery confussing can some vl clear up what type Wing those +13 and +15 are please, i wont work my but out for a 2.5 wing and +13/15 set wich also there in 0 info on,what is, or can or if they.

Mu online how to increase wing dmg download

Four evil's cursed wings were created by great wizards in Arca, the city of wizards and
it was told that those wing were made of parts from killed monsters. A wizard related
to the creation of wing said that those wing were cursed by the evil spirits of killed
monsters. The force of Kundun got to know the secret through a correspondence
in Arca and start to misuse the wings. Therefore, Wizards researched for many years
to seal the wings and finally they did. Since the wizards sealed the wings,
no one has seen them in the continent of MU…..

By words, when normal human equips the evil’s cursed wings, the human will be
influenced by evil’s power and he will be several times stronger. Meanwhile, wizards
who were controlled by evils escaped from Arca to study the evil’s cursed wing and
they eventually created materials to reinforce the wings. These materials can’t normally
be discovered in the continent of MU, but only traded between evils in secret.

1.1 Cloak of Death
ClassLevelDefense RateIncrease DMGAbsorption DMG
Dark Lord
Rage Fighter
29027 %21 %13%
Level to equipDefense Info
(Level of Wing * 4) + 290(Level of Wing * 3) +
27 (Defense : Level of Wing +10 ~ 15 = +4 ~ +9)
DMG InfoAbsorption of DMG Info
(Level of Wing * 1) + 21%(Level of Wing * 2) + 13%
This cloak is a sign of victory from battle of Death King.
When you equip this cloak, you will get massive striking power…
1.2 Wing of Chaos
ClassLevelDefense RateIncrease DMGAbsorption DMG
Blade Knight
Magic Gladiator
29046 %33 %30%
Level to equipDefense Info
(Level of Wing * 4 ) + 290(Level of Wing * 3) +
46 (Defense : Level of Wing +10 ~ 15 = +4 ~ +9)
DMG InfoAbsorption of DMG Info
(Level of Wing * 1) + 33%(Level of Wing * 2) + 30%
This cloak which is created using a Hell mine’s leather of monster has evil’s power and has massive striking power…
1.3 Wing of Magic
ClassLevelDefense RateIncrease DMGAbsorption DMG
Soul Master,
Magic Gladiator,
Bloody Summoner
29037%35 %29%
Level to equipDefense Info
(Level of Wing * 4 ) + 290(Level of Wing * 3) +
37 (Defense : Level of Wing +10 ~ 15 = +4 ~ +9)
DMG InfoAbsorption of DMG Info
(Level of Wing * 1) + 35%(Level of Wing * 2) + 29%
Evil’s wizard gave dark magic to a feather of dark phoenix.
Huge power of phoenix and magic are blended to create new evil’s wing.
1.4 Wing of Life
ClassLevelDefense RateIncrease DMGAbsorption DMG
Muze Elf29037%35 %29%
Level to equipDefense Info
(Level of Wing * 4 ) + 290(Level of Wing * 3) +
37 (Defense : Level of Wing +10 ~ 15 = +4 ~ +9)
DMG InfoAbsorption of DMG Info
(Level of Wing * 1) + 35%(Level of Wing * 2) + 29%
This wing obtains huge power of Death beam knight. While this had been creating,magic of this wing changed by evil’s power and was given powerful evil’s life.

Reinforcement of Evil’s cursed wings

Following required materials and wing items are needed to add additional options.
When you have required items, you can add the options through direct inquires.

*You can obtain the required +15 materials from special mobs in Kanturu Relics.

Mu Online How To Increase Wing Dmg Download

Required materialsRequired wings
A +15 Death king’s boneA Cloak of Death
A +15 Hell Maine's LeatherA Wing of Chaos
A +15 Dark Phoenix FlameA Wing of Magic
A +15 Death Beam Knight SoulA Wing of Life

Mu Online How To Increase Wing Dmg Free


+13 Upgrade
Luck option
2 Excellent Options
+16 Jewel of Life option
To reinforce cursed wing items,
you have to contact
Superior Online Support Team