Ring That Converts Lightning Dmg To Cold


Ring That Converts Lightning Dmg To Cold Lyrics


Supported Skills deal 0.5% increased Cold Damage Supported Skills have (187-227) to (280-341) added Cold Damage +(0-1) to Level of Supported Cold Skill Gems This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it.

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Cold Arrow is a level 6 skill from the Amazon's Bow & Crossbow Skill Tree.

  • 1Cold Arrow

Ring that converts lightning dmg to cold lyrics
Diablo II Skill[e]
Cold Arrow
Used by:Amazon
Skill Tree:Amazon Bow and Crossbow Skills
Skill Description:
Enchants an arrow, adding cold damage and slowing your enemy.
Skill Details:
Type:Damage. Attack Rating.
Quantity:CD Lvl 1: 3-4 - Lvl 20: 53-56

ED Lvl 1: 3 - Lvl 20: 41
AR Lvl 1: 10 - Lvl 20: 181

School:Cold. Elemental.
Mana. cost:Lvl 1: 3.5 - Lvl 20: 5.8
Cast time:Instant.
Duration:Lvl 1: 4 - Lvl 20: 26.8
Synergies:Each point in Ice Arrow: +12% Cold Damage Per Level.
Prereq of:Ice Arrow. Guided Arrow. Strafe. Freezing Arrow.

Ring that converts lightning dmg to cold water

Cold Arrow[edit]

Required Level: 6
Prerequisites: None.
Synergies: Points in the following skills boost the effect of Cold Arrow.

  • Ice Arrow: +12% Cold Damage Per Level.

Details: Adds cold damage to a normal arrow shot. This skill will chill and slow monsters, and adds a bonus to accuracy as well.

  • Since the v1.09 patch, Cold Arrow has worked like Fire Arrow, in that it converts a % of physical damage to cold damage. This damage is taken from the total shot damage, after bonuses from the bow, dexterity, charms, etc, are calculated.
    • There is still physical damage, some % of it simply counts as cold. For example, with level 2 Cold Arrow and a 1000 damage arrow, 5%, or 50 points of damage would register as cold, while 95% or 950 points, registered as physical. The small cold damage bonus of this skill adds onto that as well.
Skill Level Progression [e]
SlvlMana CostCold DmgDursecs.Cold %AR+X%SlvlMana CostCold DmgDursecs.Cold %AR+X%SlvlMana CostCold DmgDursecs.Cold %AR+X%SlvlMana CostCold DmgDursecs.Cold %AR+X%
1 3.5 3-4 4.0 3% 10%6 4.1 13-14 10.0 13% 55%11 4.7 24-25 16.0 23% 100%16 5.3 37-38 22.0 33% 145%
2 3.6 5-6 5.2 5% 19%7 4.2 15-16 11.2 15% 64%12 4.8 27-28 17.2 25% 109%17 5.5 41-42 23.2 35% 154%
3 3.7 7-8 6.4 7% 28%8 4.3 17-18 12.4 17% 73%13 5.0 29-30 18.4 27% 118%18 5.6 45-47 24.4 37% 163%
4 3.8 9-10 7.6 9% 37%9 4.5 19-20 13.6 19% 82%14 5.1 32-33 19.6 29% 127%19 5.7 49-51 25.6 39% 172%
5 4.0 11-12 8.8 11% 46%10 4.6 22-23 14.8 21% 91%15 5.2 34-35 20.8 31% 136%20 5.8 53-56 26.8 41% 181%

Although winter never seems to find its way to the ever-balmy Amazon Islands, cold climates are not unheard of. The summit of Mount Karcheus on the island of Philios is covered with snow all year long. Deep within an icy cave secluded amongst its towering peaks, is the Great Hall of Mirrors where mighty Karcheus the Watcher sits upon his throne. Ever vigilant, Karcheus keeps watch over the people of the Amazons. Warriors who have trained within his temple are able to instill their shots with the power of a freezing wind.


  • Against Corrupt Rogue

  • A cold Corrupt Rogue

Classes of the Diablo games - Skills[e]Diablo II:AmazonBarbNecroPaladinSorceressLoD:AssassinDruidOther:Diablo IDiablo III
The Amazon - Amazon Skills[e]
Bow and Crossbow SkillsJavelin and Spear SkillsPassive and Magic Skills

• Magic Arrow
• Fire Arrow
• Cold Arrow
• Multiple Shot
• Exploding Arrow

• Ice Arrow
• Guided Arrow
• Immolation Arrow
• Strafe
• Freezing Arrow

• Jab
• Power Strike
• Poison Javelin
• Impale
• Lightning Bolt

• Charged Strike
• Plague Javelin
• Fend
• Lightning Strike
• Lightning Fury

• Inner Sight
• Critical Strike
• Dodge
• Slow Missiles
• Avoid

• Penetrate
• Decoy
• Evade
• Valkyrie
• Pierce

The Barbarian - Barbarian Skills[e]
Combat Masteries SkillsCombat SkillsWarcry Skills

• Sword Mastery
• Axe Mastery
• Mace Mastery
• Polearm Mastery
• Throwing Mastery

• Spear Mastery
• Increased Stamina
• Iron Skin
• Increased Speed
• Natural Resistance

• Bash
• Leap
• Double Swing
• Stun
• Double Throw

• Leap Attack
• Concentrate
• Frenzy
• Whirlwind
• Berserk

• Howl
• Find Potion
• Taunt
• Shout
• Find Item

• Battle Cry
• Battle Orders
• Grim Ward
• War Cry
• Battle Command

The Necromancer - Necromancer Skills[e]
Curse SkillsPoison & Bones SkillsSummoning Skills

• Amplify Damage
• Dim Vision
• Weaken
• Iron Maiden
• Terror

• Confuse
• Life Tap
• Attract
• Decrepify
• Lower Resist

• Teeth
• Bone Armor
• Poison Dagger
• Corpse Explosion
• Bone Wall

• Poison Explosion
• Bone Spear
• Bone Prison
• Poison Nova
• Bone Spirit

• Raise Skeleton
• Skeleton Mastery
• Clay Golem
• Golem Mastery
• Raise Skeletal Mage

• Blood Golem
• Summon Resist
• Iron Golem
• Fire Golem
• Revive

The Paladin - Paladin Skills[e]
Combat SkillsDefensive AurasOffensive Auras

• Sacrifice
• Smite
• Holy Bolt
• Zeal
• Charge

• Vengeance
• Blessed Hammer
• Conversion
• Holy Shield
• Fist of the Heavens

• Prayer
• Resist Fire
• Resist Cold
• Resist Lightning
• Defiance

• Cleansing
• Vigor
• Meditation
• Redemption
• Salvation

• Might
• Holy Fire
• Thorns
• Blessed Aim
• Concentration

• Holy Freeze
• Holy Shock
• Sanctuary
• Fanaticism
• Conviction

The Sorceress - Sorceress Skills[e]
Cold SkillsFire SkillsLightning Skills

• Ice Bolt
• Frozen Armor
• Frost Nova
• Ice Blast
• Shiver Armor

• Glacial Spike
• Blizzard
• Chilling Armor
• Frozen Orb
• Cold Mastery

• Fire Bolt
• Warmth
• Inferno
• Blaze
• Fireball

• Fire Wall
• Enchant
• Meteor
• Fire Mastery
• Hydra

• Charged Bolt
• Telekinesis
• Static Field
• Lightning
• Nova

• Chain Lightning
• Teleport
• Thunder Storm
• Energy Shield
• Lightning Mastery

The Assassin - Assassin Skills[e]
Martial Arts SkillsShadow Disciplines SkillsTraps Skills

• Tiger Strike
• Dragon Talon
• Dragon Claw
• Fists of Fire
• Cobra Strike

• Dragon Tail
• Claws of Thunder
• Blades of Ice
• Dragon Flight
• Phoenix Strike

• Claw Mastery
• Psychic Hammer
• Burst of Speed
• Cloak of Shadows
• Weapon Block

• Fade
• Shadow Warrior
• Mind Blast
• Venom
• Shadow Master

• Fire Blast
• Shock Web
• Blade Sentinel
• Charged Bolt Sentry
• Wake of Fire

• Blade Fury
• Lightning Sentry
• Wake of Inferno
• Death Sentry
• Blade Shield

The Druid - Druid Skills[e]
Elemental SkillsShapeshifting SkillsSummoning Skills

• Firestorm
• Molten Boulder
• Arctic Blast
• Fissure
• Cyclone Armor

• Twister
• Volcano
• Tornado
• Hurricane
• Armageddon

• Werewolf
• Lycanthropy
• Werebear
• Maul
• Feral Rage

• Fire Claws
• Rabies
• Shock Wave
• Hunger
• Fury

• Raven
• Poison Creeper
• Oak Sage
• Summon Spirit Wolf
• Carrion Vine

• Heart of Wolverine
• Summon Dire Wolf
• Solar Creeper
• Spirit of Barbs
• Summon Grizzly

Ring That Converts Lightning Dmg To Cold Water

Diablo I - SpellsHellfire - Spells[e]
Rogue - Sorcerer - WarriorBarbarian - Bard - Monk

• Apocalypse
• Blood Star
• Bone Spirit
• Chain Lightning
• Charged Bolt
• Elemental
• Fireball

• Firebolt
• Fire Wall
• Flame Wave
• Flash
• Golem
• Guardian
• Healing

• Heal Other
• Holy Bolt
• Identify
• Inferno
• Infravision
• Lightning
• Mana Shield

• Nova
• Phasing
• Resurrect
• Stone Curse
• Telekinesis
• Teleport
• Town Portal

• Berserk
• Immolation
• Jester
• Lightning Wall
• Magi

• Mana
• Reflect
• Ring of Fire
• Search
• Warp

Diablo III Classes Diablo III Class Info [e]

Diablo III:
Demon Hunter
Witch Doctor

Other classes:
Archivist (April Fool's)
Dervish (rejected)
Fan-made classes

Skill info:
Active skills
Passive skills
Signature skills
Fan-made skills


Archetype sub-types:

Retrieved from 'https://diablo2.diablowiki.net/index.php?title=Cold_Arrow&oldid=27643'

Ring That Converts Lightning Dmg To Cold Spring

Hey, i've been kind've confused about exactly how lightning strike works and I'd like some clarification. I've seen a lot of threads on this but they've got some different answers.
So my understanding is that your Physical and Melee Physical damage are added up with the +% physical and melee physical nodes. Then Lightning Strike take half of that and converts it into lightning damage.
Thus if you have 10 physical damage, 30 melee physical damage (10 of which comes from an example of 50 strength on the character), a +100% physical damage node, and a +100% melee physical damage node you would get (10 x 2) + (30 x 2) = 80 total physical damage, 40 of which is converted to lightning damage so you have 40 physical damage and 40 lightning damage on your melee strike part of lightning strike. Then your +%weapon elemental damage and +%elemental damage nodes are taken into account, which let's say would be +100% and 100% each. You would then get 40 physical damage and (40 x 2 x 2) lightning which would amount to 40 physical damage and 160 lightning damage.
Now the projectile part of lightning strike begins, which operates differently. Since these are projectiles, they ignore your strength and melee physical damage which means that as far as the projectiles are concerned, you have a total of only 10 physical damage. This means that your projectiles will take your physical damage of 10 x 2 = 20 and then take 70% of that (that is the ability's reduction). So you get 20 x .7 = 14 total damage per projectile, all of which is considered lightning damage. However, here your +%weapon elemental damage is ignored since it is considered weaponless at this stage and you only get the bonus of the 100% from your elemental damage nodes. This leaves you at 14 physical damage and 14 x 2 = 28 lightning damage.
This basically makes melee physical and weapon elemental nodes useless on a large group of mobs.
Please correct me if I am wrong on any of this.
Posted by
on May 8, 2013, 6:20:36 PM
First half is right for the most part.. second half regarding the projectiles is very very wrong lol.
I've actually done the number crunching on this and made a massive spread sheet to see exactly what the difference between +ele dmg% nodes and +phys dmg% nodes are and how much of each you should get etc.
Basically there are 3 components that comprise LS melee damage:
Phys. Dmg. = your total physical damage from nodes + weapon
+% phys dmg from LS gem = modifier on the LS gem itself
+%phys dmg = phys dmg modifiers from the tree + items
+% ele dmg = ele dmg modifiers from the tree + items
Phys. Dmg. = (1/2)(Phys. Dmg)(+% phys dmg from LS gem)(+%phys dmg)
Ele Dmg. = (1/2)(Phys. Dmg)(+% phys dmg from LS gem)(+%phys dmg)(+% ele dmg)
Aura Dmg. = (Ele. Aura Dmg)(+ele dmg)
When you sum everything up (PDmg = +%phys dmg, EDmg = +% ele dmg):
LS Dmg. = (1/2)(Phys Dmg)(+% Phys. Dmg from LS Gem)(PDmg + PDmg*EDmg) + (Aura Dmg)(EDmg)
I'm not going to go through the math, but the main thing to look at here is (PDmg + PDmg*EDmg) therm.
As for the projectiles.. it's rather simple.. Projectiles simply do 70% of the total LS melee damage.
LS proj. Dmg = (0.7)[(1/2)(Phys Dmg)(+% Phys. Dmg from LS Gem)(PDmg + PDmg*EDmg) + (Aura Dmg)(EDmg)] = (0.7)(LS melee damage)
So no, physical melee damage nodes are effective for both. Elemental damage nodes are not effective unless you're running all 3 damage auras and have decided on going an elemental build.
And for those who will instant rage and say only pure physical LS builds are viable... I've made both. A pure physical LS and a hybrid. The hybrid does a lot more damage and has a lot of left over room in the end (and yes this is taking into account the discrepancy between phys. and ele. mitigation from armor and resists respectively).
Posted by
on May 8, 2013, 6:53:10 PM
ign: PhrozenFlame
Posted by
on May 8, 2013, 7:35:16 PM
First half is right for the most part.. second half regarding the projectiles is very very wrong lol.
I've actually done the number crunching on this and made a massive spread sheet to see exactly what the difference between +ele dmg% nodes and +phys dmg% nodes are and how much of each you should get etc.
Basically there are 3 components that comprise LS melee damage:
Phys. Dmg. = your total physical damage from nodes + weapon
+% phys dmg from LS gem = modifier on the LS gem itself
+%phys dmg = phys dmg modifiers from the tree + items
+% ele dmg = ele dmg modifiers from the tree + items
Phys. Dmg. = (1/2)(Phys. Dmg)(+% phys dmg from LS gem)(+%phys dmg)
Ele Dmg. = (1/2)(Phys. Dmg)(+% phys dmg from LS gem)(+%phys dmg)(+% ele dmg)
Aura Dmg. = (Ele. Aura Dmg)(+ele dmg)
When you sum everything up (PDmg = +%phys dmg, EDmg = +% ele dmg):
LS Dmg. = (1/2)(Phys Dmg)(+% Phys. Dmg from LS Gem)(PDmg + PDmg*EDmg) + (Aura Dmg)(EDmg)
I'm not going to go through the math, but the main thing to look at here is (PDmg + PDmg*EDmg) therm.
As for the projectiles.. it's rather simple.. Projectiles simply do 70% of the total LS melee damage.
LS proj. Dmg = (0.7)[(1/2)(Phys Dmg)(+% Phys. Dmg from LS Gem)(PDmg + PDmg*EDmg) + (Aura Dmg)(EDmg)] = (0.7)(LS melee damage)
So no, physical melee damage nodes are effective for both. Elemental damage nodes are not effective unless you're running all 3 damage auras and have decided on going an elemental build.
And for those who will instant rage and say only pure physical LS builds are viable... I've made both. A pure physical LS and a hybrid. The hybrid does a lot more damage and has a lot of left over room in the end (and yes this is taking into account the discrepancy between phys. and ele. mitigation from armor and resists respectively).

I've done a lot of research on this since posting and yea my biggest mistake was not knowing how conversion was calculated. However you are definately wrong about melee physical affecting the projectiles. Physical damage is the only thing affecting the projectiles.
If you've got 100 Weapon Damage, +100% Melee Physical +100% Physical and +50% elemental, everything there is calculate for the melee strike part of LS but the melee physical is ignored for the projectile part.
And elemental nodes definately are effective...lmao they're just not as effective as a regular physical node. However something like Catalyze which is +30% elemental, is huge. and the weapon elemental damage support gem is probably the biggest boost you can get in dps from any gem for this.
'Added Fire damage support is x% based on Physical, actually. Just sayin' :P
Similarly, Added Lightning and Added Cold are flat damage bonuses, and will work regardless.
To explain how damage-based-on-X works, I'll use the following stats as an example:
100 base Physical damage
100% Increased Melee Physical damage (Strength)
50% Increased Lightning damage (passives and gear)
20% Increased Elemental damage (passives and gear)
40% More Melee Physical damage (Melee Damage support gem)
50% of Physical converted to Lightning (Lightning Strike)
100 base Physical, 50% Converted to Lightning = 50 base Lightning damage
'Increased' modifiers are applied. Because it's based-on-Physical, increased Physical damage also applies. 100+50+20 = +170%, so a 2.7 multiplier. 50*2.7 = 135.
Then, multiplicative modifiers are applied. We only have More Physical, so 135*1.4 = 189 Lightning damage.
This is slightly different from Shark's explanation. In his calculations, Increased Physical is applied before conversion. The problem with doing that is it would turn Increased Lightning/etc. into multiplicative modifiers (final damage would be 238, which is almost 50 damage more). As such, conversion is calculated from the ground up.
The bolts are Projectile damage; not Melee damage. As such, they do not benefit from default Strength, nor from Melee Damage modifiers.
With the above numbers, they would deal:
50 base Physical damage, 50 base Lightning damage
Only one modifier for the Physical damage, and that is the Less Projectile damage from Lightning Strike; 50*0.7 = 35 Physical damage
Lightning still gets the Lightning and Elemental damage increases; 50*1.7 = 85. Next up, LS' damage penalty: 85*0.7 = 59.5. Rounds up, so 60 Lightning damage.
There are passives that increase Physical damage dealt with specific weapon types, for example with Swords. They are not Melee-exclusive, and will apply to the projectiles.
Weapon Elemental Damage is a huge damage modifier, and works on both the melee strike and projectiles. It's by far the best support gem if you ask me.' - Vipermagi
I make music.
Last edited by Zerocloud411 on May 8, 2013, 9:32:26 PM
Posted by
on May 8, 2013, 9:27:56 PM
Some say phy buffs (strength, passive) apply to projectiles, others say not. I've been using LS for months and I have no clue.
If I was to make a guess, I'd say that the projectiles are not really treated like typical projectiles and they're purely 70% of the LS melee strike. bolted 3 times.
Posted by
on May 8, 2013, 9:59:46 PM
Some say phy buffs (strength, passive) apply to projectiles, others say not. I've been using LS for months and I have no clue.
If I was to make a guess, I'd say that the projectiles are not really treated like typical projectiles and they're purely 70% of the LS melee strike. bolted 3 times.

nope, like i said they're the same thing as the melee strike minus any melee physical bonuses
I make music.
Posted by
on May 8, 2013, 10:08:39 PM
Some say phy buffs (strength, passive) apply to projectiles, others say not. I've been using LS for months and I have no clue.
If I was to make a guess, I'd say that the projectiles are not really treated like typical projectiles and they're purely 70% of the LS melee strike. bolted 3 times.

nope, like i said they're the same thing as the melee strike minus any melee physical bonuses

I believe you, but where did you read this?
Posted by
on May 8, 2013, 10:15:10 PM
http://en.pathofexilewiki.com/wiki/Lightning_Strike and a few threads
Posted by
on May 8, 2013, 10:24:28 PM
actually there are 4 possible base damage type from lightning strike
physical dmg from weapon
physical dmg from non-weapon
elemental dmg from 'X% physical dmg convert to fire/cold/lightning dmg'
elemental dmg from weapon, other items (ring, amulet, etc) and aura
under construction
IGN: Standard/FuheiRabbit; Ambush/I_Dont_Need_Pants
Posted by
on May 8, 2013, 11:01:27 PM
actually there are 4 possible base damage type from lightning strike
physical dmg from weapon
physical dmg from non-weapon
elemental dmg from 'X% physical dmg convert to fire/cold/lightning dmg'
elemental dmg from weapon, other items (ring, amulet, etc) and aura
under construction

the only base damage is your weapon physical, the rest are modifers.
I make music.
Posted by
on May 8, 2013, 11:16:39 PM