Syndra Does No Dmg With Ulti Anymore

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Or is Syndra really terrible right now? T even take 10% of her health away with my ult. In the end of the game my damage was 50% of all the others. Aug 23, 2016  LONGEST SYNDRA ULT!.SHROOMS OF DEATH. FULL AP TEEMO MID DOES WAY TOO MUCH DAMAGE. Veigar but it's URF and he can basically Ulti you at.

A common complaint I hear about syndra is that she is high risk low reward, that she doesn't deal enough damage for the buck and that most other AP mids deal way more damage.
Obviously people don't like to look at numbers
Syndra's single rotation is by far the highest in game if u account for a 7 orb from a CDR build, heck even with 6 orbs its unbeatable.
Syndra 7 orb (requires CDR) 253+240+250+1260 = 2003+ (+.575+.7+.5+1.05=2.78 AP)
Syndra 6 Orbs (doesn't require ANY cdr) 1823 + 2.675 AP
For comparision
veigars entire full rotation is only 1080+(+1+1.2+0.6=2.8 AP), he only really hits hard against enemy ap or if he's massively farmed his Q
Xeraths is 235+270+825 = 1330 +(0.6+0.8+1.8 = 3.2 AP)
Leblanc is 330+280+245+462 = 1317 +(+0.9+0.6+1+1.26=3.76 AP)
Even nunu is only 1125+275 = 1400 +(+1+2.5=3.5 AP)
The only other AP who can surpass syndra is fiddle but his are more damage over time skills rather than burst.
You can complain that her kit doesn't flow well, that her cc is hard to use, that her skillshots are hard to land, that her burst takes an unrealistically long time to pull off
BUT you CANNOT complain that the strongest single target burster in the game ( barring special circumstance aka super farmed veigar) doesn't deal enough damage with a proper combo.

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Real easy to deal with, since she is very imobile, you should only be afraid of her arrow and her team.


Same as Ashe.


Draven is scary, there is a good reason why, be smart about engaging onto him since he can turn the fight on his side.


Really hard to deal with, his poke, his *flash* ability, I would suggest to ignore him in laning phase and catch up later on.


In laning phase you should have advantage, but fear her dmg later on.


Lucian isn't hard to deal with if you can land your stun. Tip, when he ult, try to stun him as this will cancel his ult.


He shouldn't be hard to deal with, you will burst him if you land all of your combo, just don't die to his passive.

Miss Fortune


Same as Kog'Maw but she will hurt more than him with her double-tap, just try to go away from your adc if he is low as her q could be deadly to him.


OK Before we start this guide, my first language isn't english, it's french, so don't hurt me if I make obvious mistake, I tried the best to make this guide clean. Disclaimer: Don't try this in ranked if you aren't experienced enough with the champion, don't go in ranked saying a guide said it was busted. This guide isn't very big since I've tried Syndra support few games and these are the things I can say will work in most cases. In the 4 games which I have tried it, the bot lane combo where are alike, so not much information about counters and ennemy tip in lane, I will although tried to update this guide when I will get more intel about games and all. Hope you enjoy. Please give me feedback so I can improved my guides.

Syndra Does No Dmg With Ulti Anymore Play

Why this build?

Well, i am a regular player that like to expiriment things, so it is why i tried Syndra support. And honestly, i didn't thought the build was gonna work, but oh boi did it do his job. Syndra is a mage that has good poke, great disengage, good engage and as everyone know: some high thighs, eh wrong thing, : She got some balls, maybe too much. BTW, i forgot to tell, i main syndra, so i'm one of those filthy player.

Laning phase

So laning phase is really simple, poke with q, stun with e, simple. Syndra will rely on her combo, so you need to do your combo to trade. As for protecting the adc, you aren't going to go tank, but you still need to help the adc, so if you see the adc getting engaged on, you q-e (stun, if you land it), but you can still e, but it wont stun anyone. Syndra is very powerful, the ennemy team know that, so they'll be afraid, wich will propably make you go under tower or close, so you need to make sure to ward behind you or you'll get camped and everyone will blame you for picking support syndra.

Mid Game

Syndra Does No Dmg With Ulti Anymore Lyrics

So as for mid game, you will have at least 2 ap item, that's the time to shine, engage, dont engage with nobody but engage when you see someone close, if you master the q-e combo like me, you'll get kills all around the map. Roam, help everyone, you can't heal them, nor shield them, but you can peel for them, just ult someone to make him run away, doesnt matter if you don't get kills. Also, you have sightstone, you have to WARD, having vision can change teamfights.[/color]

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Team Fights

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SO for Teamfights, the more you master the q-e or q-w-e combo, the more the fights will go in your favor. As a syndra mid lane, you focus the adc, or the person that take the most dmg, syndra support doesn't change that mentality, go for the adc, be careful not to dive the ennemy team just for the adc, but you should be able to kill them easily.