Area Dmg Or Sentry Damage Better

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Build Guide


Dec 19, 2012  Here is a quick How To video explaining -in detail- how to replace the battery on a Nintendo 3DS XL. You're welcome. You'll get massive damage from both the blast (125.5K DMG) and the MDR buff (18%) during status effects. This build is low health so if you get rushed by others then pull out the shield and destroy them with head shots. You will be fairly tough with the shield health at about 500K while having 30% DMG resist and 20% DMG bonus. May 03, 2016  - Wrote script to imitate electrical damage for pulse grenades and mines. Should do 150 damage to robots and enemies in PA. Player in PA also affected. Added compatibility patch for Hermetic Power Armor mod. Raised damage of Codsworth's flamer and others Mr. Handys by 10 (1 in vanilla). In total with DoT it will be 18 dmg.

Like all sentry builds idea is to get all 5 sentries asap and avoid to waste time dealing with single enemies, This build can be customized and some particular skills/talents/items can changed thus it's very versatile. It is mandatory to have as much CDR as possible so sentries refresh quickly, Some attack speed and critical dmg is recommended too. Due to we using multishot and Elemental frost spliiting arrow best is to nuke big groups in tight corridors. However in open spaces Multishot is killer and even more below 60% mechanic is spam AE and use Hatred for Multishot once it is available, so we have increased critical chance refreshed. Use Mark of Death with spreading contagion and companions as often as cooldown is finished.

Attack speed works here good if we shoot more our sentries shooting more frequently too. And since we using 2 secondary skills(which one becoming primary but still its secondary thou) our sentries shoot them every time also. As we using cold its great to stuck some elemental damage - We can have it on wrist (20)/neck(15) and in cube(20) ( and weapon in case of Etrayu (20) - all gives 65%). If you dont have Kridershot Etrayu and high elemental dmg gives also good results but still Kridershot and EA are better... So i decided to stuck more sentries dmg, skill dmg and add elemental dmg( from wrist(need lucky 20% rolls!!!, got only 18:( ) and Cube (20%))

Critical chance is less prio as we have a lot of Dex and Multi shot is adding 15%CHC for 4 sec every time we using it.

As you can read above you can drop some defensive items for more offensive like The Withing hour or Lacuni Prowlers on lesser GR. On GR 60 I had almost 120 milions of resistance so feel rather safe...( I remember when in season got like max 20 milions, and get one shooted by everything on higher rifts....)

Legendary Gems: Pretty Simple Gogok for CDR and Dodge, BoT for dmg on chilled/freezed enemies and BoS for boss/elites ownage. Testing now Iceblink but... dont looks primising for me as CHC is not needed so much and due to Frostburn freezes enemies often feel BoS is great... Will try to test some other gems soon.


Ambush: mandatory because of 40% dmg above 75% enemy HP

Cull of the weak: mandatory because of a lot of freezing / slowing, 20% extra dmg.

Customer engineer - mandatory 5 sentries on - huge boost to dmg when you got all Marauder pcs.

4th talent can be talent of your choice i used Leech to heal through some dmg, or add missing health when there was no globes..

I used below and they work quite well also.

Perfectionist - dmg reduction and more vaults can be performed.

Hot pursuit for mobiliy

Numbing traps for dmg reduction

Thrill of the Hunt - CC control (its good to change polar station in something else then as they slowing enemies by 60% and this skill by 80%, and both skills not stacking!)

Awareness - if you dying a lot...

Area Dmg Or Sentry Damage Better Lyrics

Follower I used: scoundel

What can be changed? Questions?

A lot as game offer huge possibilities:) I run couple series of test runs changing one skill or item on GR 50 and comparing times:

1) Multishot or Sentries dmg?

Sentries. I was trying to modify build by having dead man quiver equipeed as it giving up to 100% to Ms dmg and got bombardier quiver in cube so we had only +2 sentries but without up to 100% sentry dmg. run 3 GR50 runs and times were 1,5-2 minutes worse than in this build. So assuming stacking Senries dmg is way better than multishot.

2) Polar station vs AE Frost arrow. Both skills slowing enemies to 60% it is mandatory to use them both?

It's all about CC, so we can cover large area on open GR. We must remember as ranged class we need to stay as much as possible away from mobs, (one lag and you are dead, cause he will hit you one time to much:P ) so i used so far Polar station for additional CC.. I will test other sentries like Impaling bolt and Gaurdian turrets soon:)

3) Again this Multishot, Other spender? Maybe Cluster Arrow?

Tempting as CLA has high dmg output but Wind chill offer this +15 CHC bonus, gives us 2nd penetration.. and is also good AOE. However Cluster is during tests as frost has good healing ability. I was switching Cube quiver to Augustine Panacea so so AE had even more dmg and spender for Cluster but this is completely new build and need some reworkig on other things like stats prio and other stuff. but looks promising.. soon:)

4) Why Scoundrel?

Don't had items for Templar/Mage yet...But for sure templar is good option because of he can aggro mobs + Healing abilities so we don't need again much defensive items.

5) Unity?

Didn't use it yet. I assuming at some point it will be needed but for now (until gr 60) it's not necessary, However if you have issue with dying try to use it:)


6) Mobility sux. Maybe Smoke screen?

if you run out from Discipline it's not good. That's why i used leech to heal through some dmg. Spare Vault although got Tumble which allows as to vault more. Smoke screen requires more discipline, and sometimes we need only one vault to avoid hit. We using 8 discipline instead of 14, and also next costs us half so overally its 12 vs 14 points. Still less. additionally we can invest in Perfectionist and change Mark of Death to Preparation. This is recommended if you want use this build for Speed T10 Rifts or farm faster lower Gr for gems.

Area Dmg Or Sentry Damage Better Price

7) Ring of Royal Grandeur?

That is interesting for example Leoric Crown would be here great or other stuff, like we could use Frostburn in gloves place and in Cube something else... Testing this as there is huge bunch of items... will keep you posted:)


Area Dmg Or Sentry Damage Better Care

Gr 60 was not maybe completed within stunning time... but it was completed on paragon level 390 with not fully upgraded gems (got only 220+ dex) and legendary gems have 25/26 level only.. Also items.. were not fully upgraded yet, so my mystic need to give me better rolls... and for sure can find some better (ancients would be nice) therefore i think After some improvements like tests with templar this build can beat more than 60:)

Stats I have during this run exported from D3

  • Strength 77
  • Dexterity 9,252
  • Intelligence77
  • Vitality 4,467
  • Damage 986,029
  • Toughness 119,228,248
  • Recovery 12,810,955

  • Attacks per Second 2.06
  • Attack Speed Increase 47.00%
  • Critical Hit Chance 53.30%
  • Critical Hit Damage+ 310.00%
  • Area Damage 47.00%
  • Cooldown Reduction 30.83%
  • Cold Damage Increase 38.00%
  • Multishot Damage Increase 30.00%
  • Sentry Damage Increase 127.00%

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  • Armor 18,202
  • Block Amount 0-0
  • Block Chance 0.0%
  • Dodge Chance 11.4%
  • Physical Resistance 723
  • Cold Resistance 1,144
  • Fire Resistance 760
  • Lightning Resistance 879
  • Poison Resistance 716
  • Arcane/Holy Resistance 704

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