Crit Chance Vs Dmg Terraria

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Jan 15, 2014  It all depends on the type of weapon you have and the amount of dmg p/s i personally prefer lucky as it simply works well with my sniper which has 303dmg. And an 83% crit. Strike chance meaning that over 4 in 5 shots will do double damage! But when i use weapons like the S.D.M.G. (space dolphin machine gun), i prefer bigger damage output per second which means menacing. Terraria General Discussions Topic Details. Fried Noodles. Nov 11, 2013 @ 4:09pm 20% Damage or 20% Increased Critical Chance on Accessories? Since you can now gain 4% crit on Accessories, where you could only get 2% before, which do you prefer for your accessories? I always prefer dmg over crit chance, while some other people prefer to.

AD Attack speed Bard is POWER (8.21)

Crit Chance Vs Dmg TerrariaBy | Updated on
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Crit Chance Vs Dmg Terraria 1

Hi, i'm Falling Zebra. i have been playing AD attack speed bard for a few months. I thought it wasn't fair that people didn't realize the power that was locked inside of bard. I have over 999 wins on AD attack speed bard.


When you are using this build on bard, you are going to want to start with a long sword and 3 biscuits. The long long sword will give you the damage you need to sustain in lane. Your first full item should be a statikk shiv for wave clear, crit, and attack speed. For boots you should go mercs, berzerker's, or CDR. Your core consists of an IE and a rageblade. this give you more damage/crit plus the attack speed from the rageblade stacks. I prefer to take runaans over PD because thyour meeps apply to the bolts from runaans. PD also works if you would like some extra crit chance. Next is the BORK. The BORK gives you the life steal to help you sustain in late game, and it also gives you some extra attack speed to cap out with full rageblade stacks. The situational items are there to replace the BORK in case you dont need it in a matchup.




This build supports more of an aggressive play style. If you can get ahead and get your shiv, you should do fine in lane. However, if you do get behind, play semi-aggressive and take every opportunity to get a kill to level out with your opponent.

Wow Classic Crit Chance

Team Fights

With this build you are going to want to stay near the back line during team fights. Your ultimate allows you to stop low enemies from escaping. Your Ultimate can be difficult to hit but it is not something that practice cannot perfect. Ty to only fight when you have your meeps available. Your meeps are a huge factor in your auto attack damage. If your team engages without you in a team fight, you can use your magical journey to flank into the enemy back line and shred their squishies. Depending on how well you are doing,you should take you 3-6 auto attacks (3 being all crits, 6 being no crits) to kill an ADC.


This build is god tier. Shred squishies, win freelo, it's that simple. Please give me some feedback on my build in the comments. I would like to hear your thoughts on this bard build.

Crit Chance Vs Dmg Terraria 2
