Diablo 3 How Much More Dmg With Mark Of Death

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  3. Diablo 3 How Much More Dmg With Mark Of Death Form
  4. Diablo 3 How Much More Dmg With Mark Of Death Penalty

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Diablo 3 How Much More Dmg With Mark Of Death Certificate

May 28, 2014 All that said, here follows the newly-updated Elemental Damage article from DiabloWiki.net, which should function as reference and a sort of Guide to Diablo 3 Elemental Damage. There are a lot of figures and links and though we double checked, it’s quite possible we missed some items or typoed some of the numbers. My only concern is that getting a 'perfect' +damage range bonus is way more harder than getting +10% damage at the mystic. I think with a few reroll of the damamge range you can achieve easily 2250+ damage but getting above 2300 will require more luck. Even though as you stated, you get to keep the ressource costreduction affixe. Black Death Bashing. As you probably all know, black deaths have the nasty habit to take away 1 hp permanently every time they hit you, so, when fighting them, you need to change, or at least, fine-tune your strategies and tactics (never know the difference:) a little.

-> activate Shadow Skill 1x after entry the grift.It will last forever from Shadow 4 set bonus,until you die.
-> use Vengence Skill(Dark Heart rune) on cdr to get 50% dmg reduction(37% cdr to have perma Vengence
with Dawn in cube).With 1 cdr roll on your shoulder + Gogok gem & paragon.You will have perma Vengeance.

You can numlock Vengeance skill too.

-> use Companion(Wolf Companion) for 15% multiplicative dmg boost for you & your team.


Diablo 3 How Much More Dmg With Mark Of Death Photo

-> use Vault for better mobility.
-> use Mark for Death(Valley of Death) on the grouped pack,s,where your wd try to kill the trash. The skill is a 15% additive dmg boost. It will help your team mate DPS WD to clear trash a bit faster.
- > Your jobin 4 man team is to kill elite/s(with very low HP) & boss & help your supp Barb
to scouting & aggro mobs to follow you where your WD fights to create a more bigger density.Collecting globes on the groud too for your WD.DPS WDrole is to clear the trash in team.Supp Monk trys to keep the WD & you alive with many def. buffs.You Try to stay in Inner Sanctury from Monk at bossfight Which gives a lot dmg reduction.Supp Barb gives you with Ignore Pain,War Cry good def. buffs too. He scouts after mobs,pulls/drags many trash mobs/elite packs to a good place. Where your WD kills the trash. Barb has Nemesis bracer equiped & produces many globes/collect them for WD to make WD dmg stronger(WD passive Cruesome Feast). By the bossfight you kill the boss with your high attackspeed/good single target dmg & Stricken gem. Keep the 10 yards distance for the 20% dmg boost from Steady Aim passive.

Diablo 3 How Much More Dmg With Mark Of Death Form

->try to stay in Ocuulus ring cycle to get up to 85% dmg boost.Your team mates(supp barb & supp Monk) have equiped the ring.

Diablo 3 How Much More Dmg With Mark Of Death Penalty

-> Bosses with adds like Hamelin,Perendi,Eskandiel,Saxtris are very annoying,because you will hit sometimes not the desired target.