Did You Have Luck With Dmg Alone For Speech

Hi! I'm 64 and love your build so far, but multistrike feels clunky in big packs. On bosses with adds do you replace multistrike with something else?
Posted by
on Sep 20, 2016, 7:11:47 PM
Alright, ...

To deal with reflect, replace Added Lightning with Faster Attacks. This alone should solve your problems unless you have uncapped resists. If so, cap your resists. If you still have problem with reflect and your damage isn't lacking, swap Wrath with Grace.
Phys to Lightning Vinktar won't give as much as a flat lightning one. But it's not that bad either, you'll be able to get about 100 dmg if you have enough area damage and melee damage from jewels.
It needs a specific sword to work something like
Tyrannical or Merciless %Phys
T1-3 Cold Damage
T1-3 Lightning Damage
as prefix or T1-3 Flat T1-3 Increased Phys and T1-3 Lightning. And Phys2Lightning instead of Added Lightning can be better.
But good luck finding an inexpensive sword like that with 1.9+ as and 7+ crit.
And you'll only end up being superior to other way around only for 5 seconds :P
Torment Shop : http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1121704
Posted by
on Sep 20, 2016, 7:12:28 PM
Hi! I'm 64 and love your build so far, but multistrike feels clunky in big packs. On bosses with adds do you replace multistrike with something else?

Positioning is everything in this build, keep working on it :P
Posted by
on Sep 20, 2016, 7:28:54 PM
Alright, ...

To deal with reflect, replace Added Lightning with Faster Attacks. This alone should solve your problems unless you have uncapped resists. If so, cap your resists. If you still have problem with reflect and your damage isn't lacking, swap Wrath with Grace.
Phys to Lightning Vinktar won't give as much as a flat lightning one. But it's not that bad either, you'll be able to get about 100 dmg if you have enough area damage and melee damage from jewels.
It needs a specific sword to work something like
Tyrannical or Merciless %Phys
T1-3 Cold Damage
T1-3 Lightning Damage
as prefix or T1-3 Flat T1-3 Increased Phys and T1-3 Lightning. And Phys2Lightning instead of Added Lightning can be better.
But good luck finding an inexpensive sword like that with 1.9+ as and 7+ crit.
And you'll only end up being superior to other way around only for 5 seconds :P

Okay, so flat lightning damage vinktar's are the best to mitigate against reflect? Some guy on twitch was telling me the physical conversion would be better, but I am going to take your word :)
Also, I don't enough currency to get Vinktar's anytime soon. I'm heading towards the ranger tree right now and this guide says if I don't have Atziri Acuity I need to go somewhere else. So should I go ahead and do the armor based version tree (yours)?
Then once I get Vinktar's / Acuity, switch into Redbananaz's tree?
Edit: Btw, thanks for your help! I'm having a blast
'Good thing they nerfed the carto, it wasn't fun to find one in every map.' - Haborym
Last edited by monkuar on Sep 20, 2016, 8:05:35 PM
Posted by
on Sep 20, 2016, 8:04:50 PM
Alright, ...

To deal with reflect, replace Added Lightning with Faster Attacks. This alone should solve your problems unless you have uncapped resists. If so, cap your resists. If you still have problem with reflect and your damage isn't lacking, swap Wrath with Grace.
Phys to Lightning Vinktar won't give as much as a flat lightning one. But it's not that bad either, you'll be able to get about 100 dmg if you have enough area damage and melee damage from jewels.
It needs a specific sword to work something like
Tyrannical or Merciless %Phys
T1-3 Cold Damage
T1-3 Lightning Damage
as prefix or T1-3 Flat T1-3 Increased Phys and T1-3 Lightning. And Phys2Lightning instead of Added Lightning can be better.
But good luck finding an inexpensive sword like that with 1.9+ as and 7+ crit.
And you'll only end up being superior to other way around only for 5 seconds :P

Okay, so flat lightning damage vinktar's are the best to mitigate against reflect? Some guy on twitch was telling me the physical conversion would be better, but I am going to take your word :)
Also, I don't enough currency to get Vinktar's anytime soon. I'm heading towards the ranger tree right now and this guide says if I don't have Atziri Acuity I need to go somewhere else. So should I go ahead and do the armor based version tree (yours)?
Then once I get Vinktar's / Acuity, switch into Redbananaz's tree?
Edit: Btw, thanks for your help! I'm having a blast

I updated the tree to what you should grab if you're not using acuity, it also makes you go past another 30 int node, which will help in you have int problems.
Posted by
on Sep 20, 2016, 8:08:15 PM

I updated the tree to what you should grab if you're not using acuity, it also makes you go past another 30 int node, which will help in you have int problems.

Oh okay sweet. So we do get VP :D
I see it now. I just got to Finesse, going to switch back the other way oops
'Good thing they nerfed the carto, it wasn't fun to find one in every map.' - Haborym
Last edited by monkuar on Sep 20, 2016, 8:12:47 PM
Posted by
on Sep 20, 2016, 8:12:26 PM
Sorry if this was posted in one of pages, but I am doing cruel lab right now. I got Righteous Providence already from normal. Should I go for inevitable judgement next?
Edit: basically order of ascendancy points I guess
Edit: i just went ahead and got inevitable judgement lol
'Good thing they nerfed the carto, it wasn't fun to find one in every map.' - Haborym
Last edited by monkuar on Sep 20, 2016, 8:46:09 PM
Posted by
on Sep 20, 2016, 8:21:11 PM
Sorry if this was posted in one of pages, but I am doing cruel lab right now. I got Righteous Providence already from normal. Should I go for inevitable judgement next?
Edit: basically order of ascendancy points I guess
Edit: i just went ahead and got inevitable judgement lol

Yep, Inevitable Judgement is the first thing to rush towards, after that it's up to you.
Posted by
on Sep 21, 2016, 12:14:43 AM
Hey man, I love your build. Works great and is really fast! I just hit 80 and my fully buffed dps with inc AoE is about 57k...which I find a bit concerning seeing as you have like 40 something k just standing in your hideout. Could you check my gear and see if i'm doing anything wrong? I feel like my gear isn't miles apart from yours but you have like triple my dps lol.
My sword has 338 eDPS
Posted by
on Sep 21, 2016, 12:19:50 AM
Hey man, I love your build. Works great and is really fast! I just hit 80 and my fully buffed dps with inc AoE is about 57k...which I find a bit concerning seeing as you have like 40 something k just standing in your hideout. Could you check my gear and see if i'm doing anything wrong? I feel like my gear isn't miles apart from yours but you have like triple my dps lol.
My sword has 338 eDPS

Aim for a 2 APS sword, and get more WED gear, equip some facebreakers
Last edited by Redbananaz on Sep 21, 2016, 12:27:59 AM
Posted by
on Sep 21, 2016, 12:27:28 AM
Did you have luck with dmg alone for speech video

Did You Have Luck With Dmg Alone For Speech Free

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