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A DCI number (OPTIONAL). This is an official Wizards of the Coast organized play number. It is obtainable at public events; ask the organizer for one the first time you play, or it can be obtained online. Optional Items These things aren’t necessary to run D&D Adventurers League games, but might be nice to have. Dungeon Master’s Guide™.

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  • Creating NPCs

Step 1: The Basics
Step 2: Determine Ability Scores
Step 3: Skills
Step 4: Feats
Step 5: Class Features
Step 6: Gear
Step 7: Details

Table: NPC Ability Scores
Table: Racial Ability Adjustments
Table: NPC Skill Selections
Table: NPC Gear

Aside from the players, everyone else in the game world is a non-player character (NPC). These characters are designed and controlled by the GM to fill every role from noble king to simple baker. While some of these characters use player classes, most rely upon simple NPC classes, allowing them to be easily generated. The following rules govern all of the NPC classes and include information on generating quick NPCs for an evening’s game.

Creating NPCs

Table: NPC Ability Scores
Ability ScoreMelee NPCRanged NPCDivine NPCArcane NPCSkill NPC

* If the arcane caster’s spellcasting relies on Charisma, exchange these scores with one another.

The world that the player characters inhabit should be full of rich and vibrant characters for them to interact with. While most need little more than a name and general description of their personality and abilities, some require complete statistics, such as town guards, local clerics, and wizened sages. The PCs might find themselves in combat with these characters, either against them or with them as allies. In either case, the process for creating these NPCs can be performed in seven simple steps.

Step 1: The Basics

The first step in making an NPC is to determine its basic role in your campaign. This includes its race, class, and basic concept.

Step 2: Determine Ability Scores

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Once the character’s basic concept has been determined, its ability scores must be assigned. Apply the NPC’s racial modifiers after the scores have been assigned. For every four levels the NPC has attained, increase one of its scores by 1. If the NPC possesses levels in a PC class, it is considered a heroic NPC and receives better ability scores. These scores can be assigned in any order.

Basic NPCs: The ability scores for a basic NPC are: 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, and 8.

Heroic NPCs: The ability scores for a heroic NPC are: 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, and 8.

Preset Ability Scores: Instead of assigning the scores, you can use Table: NPC Ability Scores to determine the NPC’s ability scores, adjusting them as necessary to fit. Use the Melee NPC ability scores for characters whose primary role involves melee combat, such as barbarians, fighters, monks, paladins, rangers, and warriors. The Ranged NPC ability scores are for characters that fight with ranged weapons or use their Dexterity to hit, such as fighters, rangers, and rogues. Use the Divine NPC ability scores for characters with divine spellcasting capabilities, such as adepts, clerics, and druids. The Arcane NPC ability scores should be used by characters with arcane spellcasting capabilities, such as bards, sorcerers, and wizards. Finally, the Skill NPC ability scores should be used for characters that focus on skill use, such as aristocrats, bards, commoners, experts, and rogues. Some NPCs might not fit into one of these categories and should have custom ability scores.

Table: Racial Ability Adjustments
Ability ScoreDwarfElfGnomeHalf-ElfHalf-orcHalflingHuman

1Half-elves, half-orcs, and humans receive a +2 bonus to one ability score of your choice.

Step 3: Skills

To assign skills precisely, total up the number of skill ranks possessed by the character and assign them normally. Remember that the number of ranks in an individual skill that a character can possess is limited by his total HD.

For simpler skill generation, refer to Table: NPC Skill Selections to determine the total number of skill selections the NPC possesses. After selecting that number of skills, mostly from the class skills lists of the NPC’s class, the NPC receives a number of ranks in each skill equal to his level.

If the NPC has two classes, start by selecting skills for the class with the fewest number of skill selections. The NPC receives a number of ranks in those skills equal to his total character level. Next, find the difference in the number of selections between the first class and the other class possessed by the NPC. Select that number of new skills and give the NPC a number of ranks in those skills equal to his level in the second class. For example, a humanfighter 3/monk 4 with a +1 Intelligence modifier can select four skills for his fighter class (since it receives fewer selections). These four skills each have seven ranks (equal to his total level). Next, he selects a number of skills equal to the difference between the fighter and the monk classes, in this case two skills. These two skills each have four ranks (his monk level).

If the NPC has three or more classes, you must use the precise method for determining his skills.

Once all of the NPC’s ranks have been determined, assign class skill bonuses and apply the bonus or penalty from the NPC’s relevant ability score.

Table: NPC Skill Selections
PC ClassSkill Selections 1NPC ClassSkill Selections 1
Barbarian4 + Int ModAdept2 + Int Mod
Bard6 + Int ModAristocrat4 + Int Mod
Cleric2 + Int ModCommoner2 + Int Mod
Druid4 + Int ModExpert6 + Int Mod
Fighter2 + Int ModWarrior2 + Int Mod
Monk4 + Int Mod
Paladin2 + Int Mod
Ranger6 + Int Mod
Rogue8 + Int Mod
Sorcerer2 + Int Mod
Wizard2 + Int Mod

1Humans receive one additional skill selection.

Step 4: Feats

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After skills have been determined, the next step is to assign the NPC’s feats. Start by assigning all of the feats granted through class abilities. Next, assign the feats garnered from the NPC’s total character level (one feat for every two levels beyond 1st). Remember that humans receive an additional feat at 1st level. For simplified feat choices, select feats from the lists provided for the following character types.

Arcane Caster: Arcane Strike, Combat Casting, Eschew Materials, Greater Spell Focus, Greater Spell Penetration, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, item creation feats (all), Lightning Reflexes, metamagic feats (all), Spell Focus, Spell Mastery, Spell Penetration, and Toughness.

Divine Caster (With Channeling): Combat Casting, Extra Channel, Improved Initiative, Improved Channel, Iron Will, item creation feats (all), metamagic feats (all), Power Attack, Selective Channeling, Spell Focus, Spell Penetration, Toughness, Elemental Channel, Alignment Channel, and Channel Smite.

Divine Caster (Without Channeling): Cleave, Combat Casting, Eschew Materials, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, item creation feats (all), Lightning Reflexes, metamagic feats (all), Natural Spell, Power Attack, Spell Focus, Spell Penetration, Toughness, and Weapon Focus.

Melee (Finesse Fighter): Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Dazzling Display, Deadly Stroke , Dodge, Improved Disarm, Improved Feint, Improved Trip, Improved Vital Strike, Mobility, Spring Attack, Shatter Defenses, Vital Strike, Weapon Finesse, and Whirlwind Attack.

Melee (Unarmed Fighter): Combat Reflexes, Deflect Arrows, Dodge, Gorgon’s Fist, Improved Grapple, Improved Initiative, Improved Unarmed Strike, Medusa’s Wrath, Mobility, Scorpion Style, Snatch Arrows, Spring Attack, Stunning Fist, and Weapon Focus.

Melee (Mounted): Improved Critical, Improved Initiative, Mounted Combat, Power Attack, Ride-By Attack, Skill Focus (Ride), Spirited Charge, Toughness, Trample, and Weapon Focus.

Melee (Sword and Shield Fighter): Cleave, Shield Focus, Great Cleave, Great Fortitude, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Critical, Improved Initiative, Improved Vital Strike, Power Attack, Shield Master, Shield Slam, Two-Weapon Fighting, Vital Strike, and Weapon Focus.

Melee (Two-Handed Fighter): Cleave, Great Cleave, Great Fortitude, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Critical, Improved Initiative, Improved Sunder, Improved Vital Strike, Power Attack, Vital Strike, and Weapon Focus.

Melee (Two-Weapon Fighter): Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Double Slice, Greater Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Critical, Improved Initiative, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Vital Strike, Two-Weapon Defense, Two-Weapon Fighting, Two-Weapon Rend, Vital Strike, and Weapon Focus.

Ranged: Deadly Aim, Far Shot, Improved Initiative, Improved Vital Strike, Manyshot, Pinpoint Targeting, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Reload, Rapid Shot, Shot on the Run, Vital Strike, and Weapon Focus.

Skill (most NPC classes): Armor Proficiency (all), Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Martial Weapon Proficiency, Run, Shield Proficiency, Skill Focus, and Toughness.

Step 5: Class Features

After determining feats, the next step is to fill in all the class features possessed by the NPC. This is the time to make decisions about the NPC’s spell selection, rage powers, rogue talents, and other class-based abilities.

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When it comes to spells, determine how many spell selections you need to make for each level. Choose a variety of spells for the highest two levels of spells possessed by the NPC. For all other levels, stick to a few basic spells, prepared multiple times (if possible). If this NPC is slated to appear in only one encounter (such as a combat), leaving off lower-level spells entirely is an acceptable way to speed up generation, especially if the NPC is unlikely to cast those spells. You can always choose a few during play if they are needed.

Step 6: Gear

After recording all of the NPC’s class features, the next step is to outfit the character with gear appropriate to his level. Note that NPCs receive less gear than PCs of an equal level. If an NPC is a recurring character, his gear should be selected carefully. Use the total gp value found on Table: NPC Gear to determine how much gear he should carry. NPCs that are only scheduled to appear once can have a simpler gear selection. Table: NPC Gear includes a number of categories to make it easier to select an NPC’s gear. When outfitting the character, spend the listed amount on each category by purchasing as few items as possible. Leftover gold from any category can be spent on any other category. Funds left over at the end represent coins and jewelry carried by the character.

Note that these values are approximate and based on the values for a campaign using the medium experience progression and a normal treasure allotment. If your campaign is using the fast experience progression, treat your NPCs as one level higher when determining their gear. If your campaign is using the slow experience progression, treat the NPCs as one level lower when determining their gear. If your campaign is high fantasy, double these values. Reduce them by half if your campaign is low fantasy. If the final value of an NPC’s gear is a little over or under these amounts, that’s okay.

Table: NPC Gear
Basic LevelHeroic LevelTotal gp ValueWeaponsProtectionMagicLimited UseGear
1260 gp50 gp130 gp40 gp40 gp
21390 gp100 gp150 gp40 gp100 gp
32780 gp350 gp200 gp80 gp150 gp
431,650 gp650 gp800 gp100 gp200 gp
542,400 gp900 gp1,000 gp300 gp200 gp
653,450 gp1,400 gp1,400 gp450 gp200 gp
764,650 gp2,350 gp1,650 gp450 gp200 gp
876,000 gp2,700 gp2,000 gp500 gp600 gp200 gp
987,800 gp3,000 gp2,500 gp1,000 gp800 gp500 gp
10910,050 gp3,500 gp3,000 gp2,000 gp1,050 gp500 gp
111012,750 gp4,000 gp4,000 gp3,000 gp1,250 gp500 gp
121116,350 gp6,000 gp4,500 gp4,000 gp1,350 gp500 gp
131221,000 gp8,500 gp5,500 gp5,000 gp1,500 gp500 gp
141327,000 gp9,000 gp8,000 gp7,000 gp2,500 gp500 gp
151434,800 gp12,000 gp10,500 gp9,000 gp2,800 gp500 gp
161545,000 gp17,000 gp13,500 gp11,000 gp3,000 gp500 gp
171658,500 gp19,000 gp18,000 gp16,000 gp4,000 gp1,500 gp
181775,000 gp24,000 gp23,000 gp20,000 gp6,500 gp1,500 gp
191896,000 gp30,000 gp28,000 gp28,000 gp8,000 gp2,000 gp
2019123,000 gp40,000 gp35,000 gp35,000 gp11,000 gp2,000 gp
20159,000 gp55,000 gp40,000 gp44,000 gp18,000 gp2,000 gp

Weapons: This includes normal, masterwork, and magic weapons, as well as magic staves and wands used by spellcasters to harm their enemies. For example, a would count as a weapon, but a staff of life would count as a piece of magic gear.

Protection: This category includes armor and shields, as well as any magic item that augments a character’s Armor Class or saving throws.

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Magic: This category includes all other permanent magic items. Most rings, rods, and wondrous items fit into this category.

Limited Use: Items that fall into this category include alchemical items, potions, scrolls, and wands with few charges. Charged wondrous items fall into this grouping as well.

Gear: Use the amount in this category to purchase standard nonmagical gear for the character. In most cases, this equipment can be omitted during creation and filled in as needed during play. You can assume that the character has whatever gear is needed for him to properly use his skills and class abilities. This category can also include jewelry, gems, or loose coins that the NPC might have on his person.

Step 7: Details

Once you have assigned all of the NPC’s gear, all that remains is to fill out the details. Determine the character’s attack and damage bonuses, CMB, CMD, initiative modifier, and Armor Class. If the character’s magic items affect his skills or ability scores, make sure to take those changes into account. Determine the character’s total hit points by assuming the average result. Finally, fill out any other important details, such as name, alignment, religion, and a few personality traits to round him out.

“For boss NPCs, just give the NPC a PC’s wealth. That increases the boss NPC’s CR by +1, so a zero HD creature with class levels and PC wealth is a CR equal to his class level. We do this pretty much for EVERY major boss of an adventure path.” -James Jacobs on the PFRPG General Questions forum: May 15, 2010

Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.

Tim's Errata Archive‎ > ‎Freeport Errata‎ > ‎

Freeport Classes (3.5 Revisions)

This page presents quick & dirty updates for new classes appearing in v.3.0 Freeport material: Freeport: The City of Adventure, Tales of Freeport, and 'Focus on Freeport' #2, 9, and 10. These are unofficial, of course, unless/until Green Ronin says differently.
General conversion notes
PHB and DMG page references are to the 3.5 rules.
Skills: No skills are exclusive skills in 3.5. The following skills have been renamed: Alchemy (to Craft [alchemy]), Pick Pockets (to Sleight of Hand) and Wilderness Lore (to Survival). The Innuendo, Intuit Direction, and Read Lips have been merged with other skills (Bluff/Sense Motive, Survival, and Spot, respectively). Scry has been deleted entirely. When converting the stat block of a 3.0 character with skills that were deleted in 3.5, move the freed skill points to the appropriate new skill (if any) until maximum ranks are reached; after that, redistribute the points however you wish (typically among class skills).
Knowledge skills should be limited to the list in the PHB (p. 78) except for very good reasons.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Classes proficient with shields are not necessarily proficient with tower shields.
Weapon Finesse need only be taken once to apply the benefit to all appropriate weapons. The Freeport Pirate and Ship's Captain may use Weapon Finesse with the cutlass.
Freeport: The City of Adventure [and Focus #2]
[Update: Thed20 Freeport Companion provides official v.3.5 updates to the Crime Boss and Cultist. Replace the Freeport pirate with the corsair base class from that book.]
Freeport Pirate
[First appeared in Focus on Freeport 2; reprinted in Freeport: The City of Adventure.]
Requirements: Change Knowledge (sea lore) to Knowledge (nature).
Class Skills: Delete Intuit Direction. Change Knowledge (sea lore) to Knowledge (nature).
Animal Companion: Replace this ability's description with the following text: 'If the character desires, he may acquire an animal companion on reaching 2nd level. Treat this as the druid class ability, except that the character's effective level is equal to his Freeport Pirate class level. The animal may be chosen from the following list: cat*, dire rat, dog, eagle, hawk, lizard*, monkey, parrot* (use raven stats), porpoise, shark (Medium), snake (Small or Medium viper), squid. (*If cat, lizard, or parrot is chosen, raise Hit Dice to 1d8 plus Con modifier before applying animal companion powers.)' If using Creatures of Freeport, add the following to the list: flying lizard (Tiny), giant lizard (Small or Medium), parrot*, reef eel, sea turtle.
Press-Gang Thwack: Subdual damage is now called nonlethal damage. See p. 146 of the PHB.
Superior Weapon Focus: Replace this ability's description with the following text: 'At 4th level, the pirate gains Superior Weapon Focus with a weapon (cutlass or boarding pike only) for which he already has Weapon Focus. This is a bonus feat, and the pirate need not meet the fighter level prerequisite. If the pirate already has Superior Weapon Focus with one of these weapons, he gains Weapon Focus with the other instead.'
Lungs of Legend: See p. 304 of the DMG for full rules on drowning.
{Superior} Weapon Specialization (Ex): Replace this ability's description with the following text: 'At 8th level, the pirate gains Superior Weapon Specialization with cutlass or boarding pike. He must meet all prerequisites except for fighter level. This is a bonus feat. If he lacks Weapon Specialization with either weapon, he gains that feat instead.'
Pirate Weapons: Shortspears are now spears.
Class Skills: Delete Innuendo and Read Lips. Pick Pockets is now Sleight of Hand.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Pick Pockets is now Sleight of Hand.
arcenous Followers: The DMG no longer limits followers to the commoner, expert, and warrior classes, thus rendering this ability moot.
Note that because this is an NPC class, no Alignment entry is given. Cultists tend towards chaos and/or evil, but could theoretically be of any alignment not opposed to their god's on either the good/evil or law/chaos axes. (Note, however, that good cultists would have a reduced spell list, and are only appropriate in areas where cult activity must remain secret from a mostly-evil populace.)
Class Skills: Delete Innuendo. Add Sleight of Hand (for concealing weapons and other items).
Skill Focus: Skill Focus now gives an official +3 bonus.
Leadership: The DMG no longer limits followers to the commoner, expert, and warrior classes.
Spells: Move message to 0 level and status to 2nd. Name changes: change self to disguise self; polymorph self to polymorph; circle of doom to mass inflict light wounds. Add touch of fatigue to 0-level spells.
(The Cultist has been officially updated to v.3.5 in Terror in Freeport Revised and the Freeport Trilogy.)
Tales of Freeport
Class Skills: Any Knowledge skill could be useful to a merchant, so all Knowledge skills (taken individually) are class skills. Because merchants do not get Craft as a class skill, the DM may wish to give them synergy bonuses to Appraise based on appropriate Knowledge skills (arcana for magical supplies, history for antiques, nature for herbs and furs, etc.).
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Add rapier to the list.
Ship's Captain
Requirements: Delete '(cutlass or rapier)' after Weapon Finesse. Replace Knowledge (sea lore) with Knowledge (nature). Replace Knowledge (navigation) and Intuit Direction with 'Survival: 4 ranks'.
Class Skills: Replace Intuit Direction and Knowledge (navigation, sea lore) with Knowledge (nature) and Survival.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Delete 'or rapier'; this is redundant.
Bonus Feats: Change the Skill Focus options to Knowledge (nature) and Survival. Add Self-Sufficient to the list.
Class Skills: Delete Innuendo. Pick Pockets is now Sleight of Hand. Keep Knowledge (mathematics), but note that it will have few game applications except for the synergy bonus to Profession (gambler) (see Tales of Freeport, p. 83).
Bonus Feats: Move 'Dodge' out of the Skill Focus sublist [errata]. Pick Pockets is now Sleight of Hand. Skill Focus now gives a +3 bonus. Add Deft Hands, Negotiator, and Persuasive to the list.
Focus #9: Hell's Foes
The Book of Fiends web enhancement 'Foes of the Fiends' updates these four classes to 3.5, and adds epic progressions. FOTF also generalizes these classes to fight fiends of all alignments.
Devil Slayer
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Devil slayers are proficient with all shields, including tower shields. [Per FOTF, tower shields are excluded.]
Righteous Sword: Replace this ability's first sentence with: 'At 2nd level, the devil slayer's training allows him to more effectively attack creatures with damage resistance (particularly devils). His weapon attacks are treated as silver weapons. If they already possess that quality, they are also treated as good weapons.' [FOTF changes this ability to Align Weapon, per the spell, usable a number of times per day equal to the fiend slayer's Cha bonus.]
Class Skills: Alchemy is now Craft (Alchemy). Delete Scry. [FOTF adds Decipher Script.]
[FOTF adjusts class abilities slightly.]
Sample Diabolist: Delete Scry; redistribute 13 skill points. Wizard Spells Known: spider climb is now 2nd; improved invisib[ility] is now greater invisibility; animate dead is now 4th.
[FOTF adds Magical Aptitude to requirements, and reduces skill points.]
Class Skills: Delete Innuendo, Intuit Direction, and Read Lips. Pick Pockets is now Sleight of Hand.
Detect Illusions: Change 'partial action' to 'standard action'. [FOTF changes this ability to Detect Magic, at will.]
Uncanny Dodge: The hellblade's progression matched that of the 3.0 barbarian, so change it to match the 3.5 barbarian: 2nd, uncanny dodge; 3rd, trap sense +1; 5th, improved uncanny dodge; 6th, trap sense +2; 9th, trap sense +3. [FOTF offers a different progression.]
Sample Hellblade: This hellblade has uncanny dodge, improved uncanny dodge, and trap sense +3. Delete Read Lips; raise Spot to +14; redistribute one more skill point.
Class Skills: Delete Scry.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Inquisitors are not proficient with tower shields.
[FOTF changes the class abilities and their progression slightly.]
Sample Inquisitor: This inquisitor can smite evil 2/day, turn undead as a 9th-level cleric, and remove disease 1/week. Large shields are now heavy shields.
Focus #10: Hell in Freeport Prestige Classes
Requirements: Wilderness Lore is now Survival.
Class Skills: Delete Animal Empathy and Intuit Direction. Wilderness Lore is now Survival.
Sample Blackthorn: SA: Add 'favored enemy +1 [any one]'. SQ: Replace uncanny dodge with 'uncanny dodge, trap sense +2'; add 'wild empathy'. Skills: Pick Pockets is now Sleight of Hand; Wilderness Lore is now Survival; add 6 skill points to ranger skills. Feats: Add 'Endurance' and '[Rapid Shot]'.
Initiation Requirements: Alchemy is now Craft (Alchemy).
Class Skills: Delete Scry.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Crusaders are not proficient with tower shields.
Sample Crusader: Large shields are now heavy shields.
Initiation Requirements: Alchemy is now Craft (Alchemy).
Class Skills: Alchemy is now Craft (Alchemy).
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Graybacks are proficient with all shields, including tower shields.
Avalanche: Sunder is now Improved Sunder.
Sample Grayback: Feats: Sunder is now Improved Sunder. Possessions: Large shields are now heavy shields.
Class Skills: Alchemy is now Craft (Alchemy). Delete Scry.
Chisel and Maul: Sunder is now Improved Sunder.
Sample Manikin: Alchemy is now Craft (Alchemy). Delete Innuendo and Scry; redistribute 18 skill points.