Poe When To Sacrifice Dmg For Resistance

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  3. Poe When To Sacrifice Dmg For Resistance Lyrics

Hello everyone!
This is a Scourge Arrow Slayer build that focuses on stacking physical, cold and elemental damage. I currently have 60% phys to cold conversion and enough DPS to melt down all content.
I'm streaming daily at https://twitch.tv/Memoria_gaming feel free to stop by to ask questions about this build or just hang out with us.
Legion progress
Day 2 Shaper and Red Elder
Day 3 Uber Elder and 5-way Emblem encounter
Day 4 Deathless Uber Elder: https://youtu.be/UmCBtXHmY-s
Update Log

I've changed a lot of things in this build due to additional testing and feedback from this thread. I'd like to thank you for your feedback!
Changed bow from Lioneye's glare to crafted cold dmg bow
Updated several of the rare items
Changed a few gem setups
Small changes to the tree, check PoB
Added more item options
Added Budget/Upgrade options with Poe trade link
Added a leveling section
Added Rain of Arrow links for clear and swapped Damage on Full Life with Mirage Archer on Scourge Arrow


+ No uniques required for the build to work, therefore works as league starter
+ Clear all content including new Legion encounters
+ Engaging gameplay with Scourge Arrow
+ Possible to add Vaal Rain of Arrows for even faster clear
+ High chance to evade/dodge
+ Freeze

- Can't do no leech or ele reflect maps
- Low on life, can sacrifice dmg nodes for extra life if needed
- It's not a Worb zoom zoom build

Path of Building

Ascendancy & Pantheon

Endless Hunger -> Brutal Fervour -> Headsman -> Overwhelm
I leveled with Headsman -> Bane of Legends for the extra speed and then changed after Uber Lab, up to you.
Help Alira for extra res and crit multi


Major - Lunaris (I like the movement speed and phys dmg reduction)
Minor - Gruthul (More phys dmg reduction)



Best bow for this build is a rare crafted with these mods:
Chance to deal double damage
Attack Speed
Increased Cold Damage
Adds cold damage to attacks
Crit Chance/multi
Penetrate elemental resistance
If you want to go for dex stacking you need to get Utmost Swiftness on tree and focus more on dex, maybe swap a few items to focus on dex/dex % increase.
Other options:
Lioneye's Glare

Mods to look for:
# to # cold damage to attacks
Elemental Damage to Attacks
Critical strike chance/multiplier
Bow fires an additional Arrow
Attack Speed
Other Options
Hyrri's Demise with adds # to # cold damage implicit
Body Armour

Hyrri's Ire provides an insane amount of DPS with the downside of having 0 life.
Other options
Farrul's Fur
Kaom's Heart (Get pseudo 6L on Gloves)

Life, resist and Elemental damage with attacks, preferably Stygian Vise
Movement speed, Life and Resist

Mods to look for:
Critical strike multiplier/chance
Flat cold
Crit multi
Increased Cold damage
You can also craft increased damage while leeching
Other Options
Yoke's Suffering

Life, Resist, Elemental damage with Attacks and cold if possible
Lioneye's Fall
Stats to look for
Abyssal Jewel
Flat cold
Crit chance/multi
Increased attack speed on crit
Crit chance/multi
Attack speed

Shopping list - Budget options/upgrades
Gloves Life, res, dmg against chilled enemies - 40-50c http://poe.trade/search/otomikoikohetu
Boots 80+ life, 30MS, 100+ resist - 20-30c http://poe.trade/search/kigonoininauha
Rings Ass mark, 40+ life, 40+ res - 100c http://poe.trade/search/arimkaugikumim
Mark of the shaper 75%+ dmg - 10c http://poe.trade/search/onzikomamkitii
Amulet 50+ life, 80+ res, 30+ WED, 10-20c '>http://poe.trade/search/okazakutomoniw
Body Armour Corrupted 6L with correct colors 100+ life, 70+res - 20-30c http://poe.trade/search/ahunomarikikiy
Belt Stygian Vise 80+ life, 80+ res, 35+ WED - 70-80c http://poe.trade/search/obetitohenonot
Helmet 60+ life, 60+ res, Scourge arrow 40% dmg enchant - 30-80c http://poe.trade/search/isinaritozukun
Quiver Hyrri's Demise, try to corrupt for cold dmg to bow - 15c http://poe.trade/search/atehiganinowot
Jewels 30+ life, crit multi, cold dmg to bow/attacks - 10-15c http://poe.trade/search/onahooonaudasi

Gems and Links

Single Target/legion tough boysScourge Arrow - Added Cold Damage - Hypothermia - Elemental Damage with Attacks - Mirage Archer - Infused Channeling
ClearVaal Rain of Arrows - Elemental Damage with Attack Skills - Mirage Archer - Damage on Full Life - Added Cold Damage - Ice Bite
Herald of Ice - Hatred - Precision - Enlighten (Lvl 3 is enough)
Immortal Call - Cast When Damage Taken - Increased Duration - Vaal Grace
Movement skill of your choice. I wanted to use both Dash and Blink Arrow to be more mobile against the Legion encounters
Dash - Blink Arrow - Faster Attacks - Portal
Phase Run - Increased Duration - Frost Bomb - Vaal Haste
Other useful skills
Summon Ice Golem
Blood Rage
Phase Run


Useful leveling uniques (They are not needed, and certainly not all of them at once, but if you have any of it laying around they are useful)
Bow: Silverbranch -> Storm Cloud -> Tempest
Gloves: Lochtonial Caress -> Hrimsorrow/Hrimburn
Boots: Wanderlust -> Wake of Destruction/Lioneye's Paws
Helm: Goldrim -> Skullhead
Quiver: Hyrri's Bite -> Drillneck
Amulet: Karui's Ward -> Sacrificial Heart
Belt: Meginord's Girdle ->
Body Armour: Tabula Rasa
Rings: Multiple choices here. Thief's Torment(Leech/resist), Le Heup of all (Resist/dmg), Blackheart etc
As always, make sure that you are res capped first and foremost.
Leveling gems
Lvl 1 Ice shot/Lightning Arrow - Added Cold - Added Lightning
Lvl 12 Rain of Arrows - Added Cold - Added Lightning - Mirage Archer - Elemental Damage with Attacks - Concentrated Effect
Lvl 16 Herald of Ice
Lvl 24 Hatred
Lvl 38 Cast When Damage Taken - Immortal Call - Increased Duration - Cold Snap
You can run Rain of Arrows till maps, if you need single target damage add Scourge Arrow or Barrage.
Scourge Arrow - Added Cold Damage - Added Lightning Damage - Elemental Damage with Attacks - Mirage Archer (Personal preference, can use Infused Channeling instead)

Last edited by Memoria_Gaming on Dec 10, 2019, 3:26:16 PM
Posted by
on Jun 11, 2019, 5:05:15 PM
Cheers mate, will definately give this a go! Love the layout and how you explain stats to look for!!
Posted by
on Jun 11, 2019, 7:34:13 PM
Thanks for the build man! I hope you get more attention soon!
Some questions for you:
Why Slayer over Berserker?
How well do you feel your build interacts with the Legion mechanic?
How do you feel playing a Freeze build when this League's special mobs (Timeless rares) cannot be frozen whatsoever?
Posted by
on Jun 12, 2019, 4:22:47 AM
Thanks for the build man! I hope you get more attention soon!
Some questions for you:
Why Slayer over Berserker?
How well do you feel your build interacts with the Legion mechanic?
How do you feel playing a Freeze build when this League's special mobs (Timeless rares) cannot be frozen whatsoever?

Appreciate it!
Haven't looked into berserker too much, but the reason I chose Slayer is:
8% base crit on Lioneye's Glare is a huge dps boost
Crazy amounts of leech
Close to all the nodes on the tree that we want
Legion mechanic was no problem, cleared 5 emblem on day 3 and clear all of the Monolith monsters almost all the time.
Everything dies so fast, including timeless rares, that it doesn't really matter. And it feels really nice to shatter the entire screen :)
Last edited by Memoria_Gaming on Jun 12, 2019, 4:47:07 AM
Posted by
on Jun 12, 2019, 4:46:49 AM
Just got this build up to maps on a 5l and it feels amazing so far! One shotting most packs and huge shatters are extremely satisfying. Do you think we could squeeze something like aspect of the spider into this build? I have one on my quiver that I found. I know hatred and herald of ice are pretty necessary though. Feel like this build could use some more defense for late game. Life pool seems pretty low. Any issues with dying to legion rares/bosses?
Posted by
on Jun 12, 2019, 8:12:32 AM
Just got this build up to maps on a 5l and it feels amazing so far! One shotting most packs and huge shatters are extremely satisfying. Do you think we could squeeze something like aspect of the spider into this build? I have one on my quiver that I found. I know hatred and herald of ice are pretty necessary though. Feel like this build could use some more defense for late game. Life pool seems pretty low. Any issues with dying to legion rares/bosses?

Sounds great! Sure, Aspect of the spider is a great addition to this build, which I also used for a while. You will however need Enlighten for it.
I rarely got killed by legion rares/bosses, did the 5 emblem encounter deathless as well as Uber Elder a couple of times. Early mapping I had some issues with survivability but I sorted that out with more life from gear. It's possible to replace body armour with something more tanky, like loreweave or Farrul's fur.
Last edited by Memoria_Gaming on Jun 12, 2019, 10:18:28 AM
Posted by
on Jun 12, 2019, 10:18:07 AM
Hey! Really cool build and I've played a similar one previous 2 leagues. But I've got 2 questions regarding the build.
First, isn't worth investing 4 points in Charging Offensive in tree (near Point Blank) because it also gives frenzy charges while channeling, I think that's good for bosses.
Second question is if I put on barrage instead of your Scourge Arrow and Cold penetration instead of Infused channeling the total DPS is dropping like 400K(compared to Thorn Arrows dps) . Why is that? Does POB calculates on Scourge arrow if all thorn arrows hit? Or Scourge Arrow is that superior to barrage?
Posted by
on Jun 12, 2019, 3:00:22 PM
Hey! Really cool build and I've played a similar one previous 2 leagues. But I've got 2 questions regarding the build.
First, isn't worth investing 4 points in Charging Offensive in tree (near Point Blank) because it also gives frenzy charges while channeling, I think that's good for bosses.
Second question is if I put on barrage instead of your Scourge Arrow and Cold penetration instead of Infused channeling the total DPS is dropping like 400K(compared to Thorn Arrows dps) . Why is that? Does POB calculates on Scourge arrow if all thorn arrows hit? Or Scourge Arrow is that superior to barrage?

When you're charing Scourge Arrow the 5 stack channeling is over in a split second so I'm not sure it will be enough to get the charging. But if it works then certainly, but my main focus was to get as much damage as possible to avoid getting hit in Legion.
Not sure how the PoB calculates tbh but it's just that much better. I'm sure barrage will do perfectly fine, but you're missing out on the AoE and pre-firing part for Legion and will have to add something like TS or RoA which aren't as effective vs Legion encounter.
Posted by
on Jun 12, 2019, 5:36:28 PM
Was looking for a slayer bow build and I have been wanting to try out scourge arrow so I think I found my next build! How come no phase run? is dash and blink arrow enough to keep you moving around between packs while mapping? Can you level this up with toxic rain or what would be a good leveling skill? What nodes would you drop for more life? I'm not a great mechanical player so I like to have a little more tankiness buffer.
Posted by
on Jun 12, 2019, 7:47:39 PM
definitely trying this out!
If i am using a rare ele bow, would the 'Gain % of physical damage as extra Cold damage' still be important to the gears (amulet/quiver) or totally unnecessary ?
Posted by
on Jun 12, 2019, 8:23:49 PM
Poe when to sacrifice dmg for resistance free

Poe When To Sacrifice Dmg For Resistance Free

Poe when to sacrifice dmg for resistance video

Poe When To Sacrifice Dmg For Resistance Lyrics

I know you probably like the helm but its doing almost nothing for you, its only 7.3 mana regen per sec (your total mana regen is 57.7, so youd still be at 50 mana per sec with no helm), and 78dps for arc, which does almost no damage anyway since your dmg comes from minions and they dont benefit from the attack/cast speed that the helm grants. I know you probably like the helm but its doing almost nothing for you, its only 7.3 mana regen per sec (your total mana regen is 57.7, so youd still be at 50 mana per sec with no helm), and 78dps for arc, which does almost no damage anyway since your dmg comes from minions and they dont benefit from the attack/cast speed that the helm grants.

Poe When To Sacrifice Dmg For Resistance Lyrics

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