Normal Arkarium Reboot Dmg Range

MapleStory All Bosses Guide by icephoenix21

If there’s any discrepancies regarding range needed, please tell me. Please note that range needed also varies depending on how much % boss you have

As of the latest patch you no longer need expeditions to do any boss- you can go in as solo (except for maybe Hard Hilla, I can’t confirm). You also no longer need to do zakum, horntail, or pink bean quests for the boss items. Talk to the respective NPCs and they will give you the items you need (Adobis, Temple Keeper). For Horntail, I believe you do still need the badge of the squad to bypass the HTPQ.

Sep 28, 2016 The Making of Best Eye Accessory in GMS Reboot - Duration: 39:56. Nox 123,992 views. I would say it's more like 300400k range for hard and 2m+ range for hell (or whatever gets you doing consistent 50m+ lines to the gem) May 18 2017 500+ Monster Collection! XxsynysterXx Level 153 Kradia Night Lord. You can't without mages because the things that heal Arkarium can only be attacked with magic attacks. Reedpipes Level 201 Scania Xenon 4. The only class that uses physical attacks which can solo ark is angelic burster.

  • Balrog PQ: 60-100 level requirement, I haven’t touched this in a long time. He drops bain weapons occasionally which may sell for 10-15m if you’re lucky. Not really something to do for profit, however.
  • Easy(Crumbling)/Normal/Chaos Zakum: I’ve not done easy Zak, but for normal I’d recommend at least level 100. I tend to solo on my link skill mules for the exp. I’d say 10k range is all that is needed (my mules usually have 20-30k), so long as you have enough potions and all cures. For Chaos Zakum, I’d recommend 80k-100k+. The only real issue players may have with Czak is the seduce status. Other than that, he’s a pushover. Normal/Chaos drop Zakum helms that give 50/70 charm, respectively. Also, if you talk to your 3rd job instructor in El Nath, they will transport you to the altar door.
  • Horntail/Chaos Horntail: Drops have been fixed and you no longer need to wait a certain amount of time before killing the boss to ensure drops. For normal horntail, I’d recommend 80k range. The tail still hits pretty hard as far as I know. I’d kill off the tail, then the two arms (because of seduce), and then it doesn’t really matter what order you kill the body parts. For Chaos horntail, I’d recommend 150k range minimum. I’d kill in the same order as regular horntail, but be aware that the left head has damage reflect and the right head has magic reflect.
  • Easy/Normal Von Leon: Has quite a bit of prequests at LHC before you can challenge him. Normal Von Leon drops about 30~35 medals of honor (for inner ability), so I go for that. I’ve never done easy mode before, but I think you’d be fine with 80k range for regular.
  • Easy/Normal Arkarium: Once again, I’ve not gone to the easy mode, so I have no idea the range needed for him. Like Hard Mode Hilla, Arkarium received a buff in the last year or so, so he’s quite a bit tougher than he used to be. I would recommend 400k+ range for him. He can be annoying to solo, especially since the snakes that he summons heal him, and those snakes only take damage with magic attacks. Not only that, but he also has an attack that will 1hko you unless you have some sort of shield protecting you (bams have that shield thing, and bishops have holy shell). You can get dominator pendant recipes as well as a less-powerful pendant from him, although nowadays I think people only defeat him for soul shards.
  • Easy Magnus: Is actually a simulator. You don’t need to do the long, tedious Magnus questlines to access him. Although for being “easy” he can be pretty tough. I’d recommend 300k range for him. He will occasionally drop heliseum gear and soul shards. You can go 2x once a week, I’m unsure if this resets every 7 days. Easy Magnus gets a nerf in the future.
  • Normal Magnus: Requires the long, boring questlines to be done. I’d recommend 1m+ range to solo him, or some very nice dodging skills. He drops heliseum gear and soul shards. You can go normal magnus once every 24 hours.
  • Hard Magnus: Also requires the long, boring questlines to be done. I’d recommend 2m+ range to solo. Having a binding class such as a paladin or Kanna is extremely helpful. Hard Magnus only drops tyrant capes, and no other tyrant gear. He also drops six coins which can be used to purchase Tyrant boots and belts, which cost 70 coins. You can only kill hard Magnus once every 7 days. Therefore, it will take you 12 weeks to get enough coins to buy the boots or belts. 3 months to get one equip! Great.
  • Pink bean: I’m not sure if you still need to kill 333 in every map of Temple of Time in order to get the marble quest from the Temple Keeper. I’d recommend 250k range to beat pink bean. It’s important to know the order of which to kill the statues and whatnot, to save you from getting seduced or triggering damage reflect. I recommend watching some videos to understand what I mean. Take note that people make sure not to cross that yellow dot when attacking, as that does trigger the bird statues. Ariel, the angel statue, is holy resistant. So if you’re a bishop, like me, you’re going to have to use magic bolt to bring her hp down :P Pink bean also has damage reflect. He initially casts DR at around 85%-95% hp. If you’re unsure about when he’ll cast it, only attack while pink bean is doing attacking animations and stop when he’s not. To time dr, take note of the time on the timer when he cast it. Say he cast DR at 24: 48, that means the soonest that he can recast DR is at 24:08. Pay attention to the symbol above his head, you can start attacking as soon as that’s gone, but you’ll only have 13-15 seconds to attack between each damage reflect. Pink Bean drops reverse items (level 120), rocks of time, and soul shards. Reverse items/Timeless items are being replaced in an upcoming patch
  • Chaos Pink Bean: I’m honestly not too familiar with the process of this boss as a whole, but the same general principles (ie, don’t cross that yellow dot or you’ll trigger something nasty) apply. Additionally, Ariel has damage reflect and it’s hard to predict. The damage hits 50k, so if you’re a dark, or other HP heavy class, you can tank it. I believe the timing is 40 seconds between each cast, but I’m not sure. Ariel also has multiple bodies, and each one can cast dr without taking the aforementioned cooldown into effect, so that’s another thing to be on the lookout for. The actual Pink Bean body has 14 bodies, and can cast dr as well as seduce. It’s recommended to bring classes that can bind and crash. I would recommend at least 1.5m-2m+ range to solo..honestly I’d rather just go with a party than solo most of these end game bosses. CPB drops Loveless items, soul shards, pink bean hats/overalls, black bean hats/overalls.
  • Cygnus Empress: You can enter cygnus empress at 180+ with a dream key. You can make a dream key by gathering one of each elemental stone from the mobs at Knight Stronghold: Hallowed Ground. You click the thunderstone to make the key. Once inside, avoid the dark genesis at all costs, as it will 1HKO you. The exception to this is if it’s a full map attack. Empress also has damage reflect- but this is known as ‘party DR’ as when you hit it, the person with the least amount of hp gets killed. Her DR animation is a blue cross. I can’t recall the DR times, but I think it’s 80 seconds. Occasionally as you’re fighting her she will summon Shinsoo. Shinsoo heals her, so killing it is a priority. While Shinsoo is summoned, Empress will go in a shell and you won’t be able to hit her. As you’re fighting her she will also summon the Chief (cygnus) Knights one by one. After defeating each of those, she will summon all five knights at once (commonly called V2 (Version 2 of the CK). These drop armor respective to their class. The Mihile also has a damage reflect, so watch for that (again, not sure on timing, maybe every 50 seconds or so?). Empress drops level 140 weapons and soul shards.
  • Gollux: Follow this quest line, be warned that it is long and tedious. Gollux is comprised of four different body parts that can be killed: abdomen, right shoulder, left shoulder, and head. The difficulty of the head is determined by how many other parts you kill- kill 3 and it’s easy mode, kill 2 and it’s normal, kill one and it’s hard, and finally if you leave everything and go straight to the head, it’s hell mode gollux. As far as range is concerned: Easy-80~100k, Normal-170~250k, Hard-800k, Hell-1.5~2m. Each mode drops 120/130/140/150 belts and pendants, respectively. Here are some guides/videos regarding how to beat him.

    I think the ranges for Gollux may be a bit off. I started beating Normal Gollux with ~120-140k range, and with ~150-170k I almost beat Hard Gollux (But alas, I was unfamiliar with his attacks in Hard mode). Though it also depends a lot on which class you use. A Jett, Aran, or Luminous alone will need a lot more range than a Phantom, Aran, or, in my case, Zero. All in all, for Gollux I suggest just taking it one step at a time. Start with Easy mode – if you beat it with little to no challenge then move up to Normal, and so on. It’s mostly about knowing your class and it’s attacks. It’s not enough to just know your range, you need to know what you can do with your range, and what the boss can do to you.- via Talcove

  • Ranmaru/Madman Ranmaru: I believe you have to do a short prequest titled Princess Sakuno Beckons or something like that. Then, if you go to Deadmine 3, a Mamijigaoka soldier is there. Talk to him to access either mode of Ranmaru. 35-50k+ range is recommended for regular mode, and 200k+ for Madman Ranmaru. Ranmaru has seduce, but it only lasts 5 seconds or so. He also has damage reflect but it’s pretty weak. He will summon priest mobs on the platforms above him. These priests heal him, so if you can’t take his health down faster than they’re healing, they should be dealt with asap. Madman Ranmaru drops tons of sengoku set (level 150, non on-par with Root Abyss set) recipes. Occasionally he will drop actual equips- these usually have epic potential, but I’ve found two items with unique potential. There is a small chance to find a white angelic blessing ring recipe, too. I’m not sure what normal mode drops. Madman is good exp.
  • Krexel: Krexel is a personal favorite of mine. He seems to be forgotten about often, but since I personally don’t train, I only get exp from bosses and he’s a nice little daily boss to do. You have to do Ulu city quests to be able to face him. You can go twice every 24 hours. I usually break a rune before I enter so I can get more exp. He usually drops crap that I just extract in ardentmill, however, I’ve gotten a couple unique weapons from him that I use on mules, as well as two meister cubes :-) so my fruitless runs have paid off a bit.
  • Princess No: Recently added, this requires you to go through the Ayame role-playing dungeon as Ayame, Hayato, and Kanna as well as finishing Princess Sakuno’s planets quest. Once you’ve done that, you can face the Princess No Alter ego in hopes of getting a Hieizan Key. The key has a pretty bad drop rate. Only the leader needs to have a key, and up to 6 people can go. You’re gonna want some heavy hitters. Rexaar explains how to go through this PQ.
  • Castellan Toad: A somewhat forgotten about boss. If you go to Mushroom shrine and talk to the palanquin NPCs they will take you to Ninja castle. The castle is a “maze” of sorts. I recommend watching a video the first couple of times you run through it. At the end of the maze is a jump quest- the easiest way to get through this is to take advantage of the games mechanics and iframes. Honestly, watching a videowill help you with it. The boss drops crap and occasionally estaffs/wands, and on rare occasions, cubes.

Hope that helped a bit, let me know if you have any questions :)

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[FEEDBACK] Easy Arkarium Death Count

edited December 2016 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
Normal arkarium reboot dmg range review

Normal Arkarium Reboot Dmg Range 2

I liked how the death count was 20 deaths before the V update, but now.. the death count of 5 is ridiculous. I can barely get Easy Arkarium down to 40% hp without dying 4 times.
Fighting Easy Arkarium now requires careful timing and a better range. 140-175k range is no good anymore since the 20 death count was removed.
It's supposed to be 'easy' (as the difficulty rating suggests), but now, I consider Easy Arkarium to be Normal Arkarium, and Normal Arkarium to be Hard (or Chaos) Arkarium.
Having Easy Arkarium's death count be lowered to 5 makes him as difficult as Normal Arkarium.
PLEASE consider reverting the death count back to 20 so players (like me) won't have much difficulty defeating him.
  1. Revert back to 20 deaths or keep it at 5 deaths?23 votes
    1. 91% (21 votes)
    2. Keep it at 5 deaths
      9% (2 votes)


Normal Arkarium Reboot Dmg Range 1

  • I'm in the same boat as you, because the new death counts are complete trash and, sometimes, unfair. I'm really hoping this update scares away the rest of the community, because this game gets more and more rage-inducing with every patch that contains content or skill changes.
  • I interpret the difficulties differently. I take the highest difficulty available for a boss and consider that to be their full power, the lower difficulties are just that boss but weakened by whatever ratio they decided to use. So easy Arkarium is easier than normal Arkarium, but may still be harder than normal Hilla, with the conclusion being Arkarium > Hilla.
    But that doesn't change the fact that Arkarium's near-full map OHKO attack is beyond ridiculous. Just artificial difficulty at its finest.
  • I interpret the difficulties differently. I take the highest difficulty available for a boss and consider that to be their full power, the lower difficulties are just that boss but weakened by whatever ratio they decided to use. So easy Arkarium is easier than normal Arkarium, but may still be harder than normal Hilla, with the conclusion being Arkarium > Hilla.
    But that doesn't change the fact that Arkarium's near-full map OHKO attack is beyond ridiculous. Just artificial difficulty at its finest.
    The interesting fact is that Arkarium's 'Full Map Attack' isn't actually full.
    Maplestory: Shade solo Normal Arkarium (GMS)
    At 4:44 this Shade manages to dodge it by jumping to the opposite side just out of reach of where Arakrium is casting it. But there is only a small window of time to react and dodge it successfully and hopefully that he's not in the middle of the map
    Another way to counter this is using Invincibility Potions or an Invincibility Skill.
    Even so, it is just still ridiculous that such a boss can have such quick cast timing to activate this skill. If I were to re-balance Arkarium I would slow down his cast time by 2-3 times so then it'll be easier to dodge it.
  • Reactions: 2,350
    Member, Private Tester
    I liked how the death count was 20 deaths before the V update, but now.. the death count of 5 is ridiculous.
    Having Easy Arkarium's death count be lowered to 5 makes him as difficult as Normal Arkarium.
    It's because Arkarium no longer uses party death counts and now instead uses individual death counts. Meaning instead of a party sharing a total of 20 death counts, each party member gets their own death count of 5.
  • I interpret the difficulties differently. I take the highest difficulty available for a boss and consider that to be their full power, the lower difficulties are just that boss but weakened by whatever ratio they decided to use. So easy Arkarium is easier than normal Arkarium, but may still be harder than normal Hilla, with the conclusion being Arkarium > Hilla.
    But that doesn't change the fact that Arkarium's near-full map OHKO attack is beyond ridiculous. Just artificial difficulty at its finest.
    The interesting fact is that Arkarium's 'Full Map Attack' isn't actually full.
    Emboldened the technicality. But then again, maybe you were just making sure everyone else knew. w/e
    If I redid him then I would quite simply trash that trashy skill and implement a much more telegraphed-random OHKO attack. Or maybe give him something more unique to his skills. Either way it would probably end up being a skill that is pillar-style, because those tend to be the easiest to telegraph to the player.
  • I liked how the death count was 20 deaths before the V update, but now.. the death count of 5 is ridiculous.
    Having Easy Arkarium's death count be lowered to 5 makes him as difficult as Normal Arkarium.
    It's because Arkarium no longer uses party death counts and now instead uses individual death counts. Meaning instead of a party sharing a total of 20 death counts, each party member gets their own death count of 5.
    I assume that it's supposed to be a party of four people that's supposed to help you defeat Easy Arkarium? I always thought parties consisted of 2 people ever since the RED update
    Also, thank you all for your insight on this matter Hopefully, it will make NexonNA's devs to revert Easy Arkarium's death count back to 20.
  • Nexon should remove the 1HKO from Ark or at least tweak it so you have a chance to avoid it.
    whenever I start seeing the screen shatters I just let go of my keyboard lol...
  • It's even better, because he spams that skill non-stop, or uses it right after re-entering the map upon resurrecting, effectively wasting your run.
  • I don't get why arkarium has literally 0 cooldown on the map kill. Good luck trying to kill ark after all 4 orbs in the background are gone. Dumb that I have to wait to get the bind in 5th just to reliably kill this boss.
  • I interpret the difficulties differently. I take the highest difficulty available for a boss and consider that to be their full power, the lower difficulties are just that boss but weakened by whatever ratio they decided to use. So easy Arkarium is easier than normal Arkarium, but may still be harder than normal Hilla, with the conclusion being Arkarium > Hilla.
    But that doesn't change the fact that Arkarium's near-full map OHKO attack is beyond ridiculous. Just artificial difficulty at its finest.
    The interesting fact is that Arkarium's 'Full Map Attack' isn't actually full.
    Maplestory: Shade solo Normal Arkarium (GMS)
    At 4:44 this Shade manages to dodge it by jumping to the opposite side just out of reach of where Arakrium is casting it. But there is only a small window of time to react and dodge it successfully and hopefully that he's not in the middle of the map
    Another way to counter this is using Invincibility Potions or an Invincibility Skill.
    Even so, it is just still ridiculous that such a boss can have such quick cast timing to activate this skill. If I were to re-balance Arkarium I would slow down his cast time by 2-3 times so then it'll be easier to dodge it.
    His attack hits 90+% of the screen, and if he is close to the middle of the screen there are no safe spots. Combine that with lag (which many many people suffer from) making it impossible to get out of the way before the cast finishes, its beyond cheesy. And he uses it every 10% HP. Its bullshit
  • I interpret the difficulties differently. I take the highest difficulty available for a boss and consider that to be their full power, the lower difficulties are just that boss but weakened by whatever ratio they decided to use. So easy Arkarium is easier than normal Arkarium, but may still be harder than normal Hilla, with the conclusion being Arkarium > Hilla.
    But that doesn't change the fact that Arkarium's near-full map OHKO attack is beyond ridiculous. Just artificial difficulty at its finest.
    The interesting fact is that Arkarium's 'Full Map Attack' isn't actually full.
    Maplestory: Shade solo Normal Arkarium (GMS)
    At 4:44 this Shade manages to dodge it by jumping to the opposite side just out of reach of where Arakrium is casting it. But there is only a small window of time to react and dodge it successfully and hopefully that he's not in the middle of the map
    Another way to counter this is using Invincibility Potions or an Invincibility Skill.
    Even so, it is just still ridiculous that such a boss can have such quick cast timing to activate this skill. If I were to re-balance Arkarium I would slow down his cast time by 2-3 times so then it'll be easier to dodge it.
    His attack hits 90+% of the screen, and if he is close to the middle of the screen there are no safe spots. Combine that with lag (which many many people suffer from) making it impossible to get out of the way before the cast finishes, its beyond cheesy. And he uses it every 10% HP. Its bullshit
    It's once per ~25% HP or so, and then it goes full once you dip him below 25% remaining.
  • I interpret the difficulties differently. I take the highest difficulty available for a boss and consider that to be their full power, the lower difficulties are just that boss but weakened by whatever ratio they decided to use. So easy Arkarium is easier than normal Arkarium, but may still be harder than normal Hilla, with the conclusion being Arkarium > Hilla.
    But that doesn't change the fact that Arkarium's near-full map OHKO attack is beyond ridiculous. Just artificial difficulty at its finest.
    The interesting fact is that Arkarium's 'Full Map Attack' isn't actually full.
    Maplestory: Shade solo Normal Arkarium (GMS)
    At 4:44 this Shade manages to dodge it by jumping to the opposite side just out of reach of where Arakrium is casting it. But there is only a small window of time to react and dodge it successfully and hopefully that he's not in the middle of the map
    Another way to counter this is using Invincibility Potions or an Invincibility Skill.
    Even so, it is just still ridiculous that such a boss can have such quick cast timing to activate this skill. If I were to re-balance Arkarium I would slow down his cast time by 2-3 times so then it'll be easier to dodge it.
    I actually dodged it once last night, but I failed the run because of this annoying map attack.
  • @Aggraphine - Normal Arkarium is once every 10% no? I assumed they were the same, I just avoid Arkarium like the plague. One of the absolute worst designed fights in the history of the game
  • @Aggraphine - Normal Arkarium is once every 10% no? I assumed they were the same, I just avoid Arkarium like the plague. One of the absolute worst designed fights in the history of the game
    I honestly couldn't tell you. I main a Shade, so I bind+split then hammer absolute hell out of him til he's dead. I'm also trash, so I do easy mode for some extra rocks of time.
  • This is just easy ark your all complaining about, AND we just got a cap removal+tons of other dmg bonuses. if you were complaining about the 15 kill count in hard magnus with the DOT on top of pot cd +1ko auras, that's understandable. if not you're either not prepared to fight him solo yet or just not doing in a manner convenient enough for you to not die before killing which can be easily maneuvered with a bishop alone not to mention a plethora of invincibility skills..
  • @Aggraphine - Normal Arkarium is once every 10% no? I assumed they were the same, I just avoid Arkarium like the plague. One of the absolute worst designed fights in the history of the game
    I finally beat him.. when I had a death count of 1, I used an Invincibility potion when I had 2 left on the death counter, and was able to defeat him soon after I was revived.
    Also, he used the map attack (when I was fighting him) at: 70%, 50%, 30%, 20%, and 3%-5% HP (this isn't fact, but based on personal experience).
    This is just easy ark your all complaining about, AND we just got a cap removal+tons of other dmg bonuses. if you were complaining about the 15 kill count in hard magnus with the DOT on top of pot cd +1ko auras, that's understandable. if not you're either not prepared to fight him solo yet or just not doing in a manner convenient enough for you to not die before killing which can be easily maneuvered with a bishop alone not to mention a plethora of invincibility skills..
    I wasn't complaining about Easy Arkarium at the time when I was typing out the original thread post. I wanted to inform players who were thinking of attempting to fight Easy Ark to be careful because without the 20 revives at their disposal anymore (because of the V update), it would be significantly harder to ACTUALLY defeat him.
    I'm not 'complaining' about Hard Magnus because I'm NOT EVEN CLOSE to be able to attempt fighting him. I'm sure I could do Normal Magnus, but even SorrowfulM had trouble killing Hard Mag,
    Also, I'm a Shadower, and Dark Sight/Advanced Dark Sight does not protect me against the map attack. I can only attempt to escape it by FJ'ing all the way to the other side of the map. I had to use an Invincibility Potion in order to defeat him last night. However, I do have a person in my guild who is a Bishop, but she's in the EST timezone (while I'm in PST), so I never know when she is on (also don't know if she finished the Silent Crusade questline).
    Lastly, Bishops are only helpful when attempting Normal Arkarium because WA does ONLY 1 damage per hit towards the Netherworld Monks, while Holy damage is able to kill them because they are Undead. In Easy Ark, I'm able to kill the Netherworld Monks in 4-5 hits with Boomerang Stab.
  • After he drops below a certain HP threshold, he starts spamming the OHKO attack. Which, as I'm sure you'll agree, is an absolute load of horse-doo
  • After he drops below a certain HP threshold, he starts spamming the OHKO attack. Which, as I'm sure you'll agree, is an absolute load of horse-doo
    Not spamming. AFAIK he is coded to use that attack at set intervals of health (and on normal I'm confident this is every 10% health). If you burst him down too fast but don't kill him in time though, he has to cycle through all of the ones that you triggered. Its just lazy coding honestly
  • Did they change the death count on normal ark? I cannot beat him because I cannot dodge the OHKO skill 5 times before I finish him off. That's just ridiculous. Wasn't it 20 on normal mode?
    Edit: Didn't see the OP, so it really have been changed. What the heck. >:|
  • Another thing i want to point about Arkarium is that is Netherworld Monks are still immune to physical attacks. They should be killable on all skills. I also noticed that this monster is in monster collect which makes one of the most 'uncollectable' mobs in the game even if you somehow cap in this new version of maple. Do you think this should be fixed so that Arkarium HP doesn't increase rapidly like Dartz's life points in Yugioh Waking the Dragons?