Player Dmg Is So Dangerous

Player Dmg Is So Dangerous Game

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Apr 12, 2018 But while the DMZ is still desperately dangerous — particularly now that North Korea has its own nuclear weapons — it is no longer the world’s most dangerous spot. That honour belongs to Syria, where the world’s great and not-so-great powers are jockeying for position as they try to upstage one another. Facechecking the brush is dangerous, and so is facechecking the web. Other websites may not be as well-warded as ours, so please use your best judgement when clicking on unknown links. Click here to check out some tips for keeping your account safe! You are going to. S6 High Damage Vayne Build. Vayne build guides on MOBAFire. League of Legends Premiere Vayne Strategy Builds and Tools.

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Ezreal is pretty easy matchup in lane , he is based on skillshots. That means everytime you dodge one of his skillshots with tumble his chances to kill you are lower and lower


Sivir is team-based ADC , she is not so dangerous in lane , that means you can go agressive but if you dodge her boomerang (Q) you are mostly winning every trade

Miss Fortune

Try to not stay close of minions when she use q and flash her ultimate.


Her long range (600) can trouble you in the early game aswell as her early poke , but since you reach lvl 6 or you get your core item (Phantom Dancer) you can easily take her out 1v1


Graves is a skill-based matchup. In lane , everytime you see him preparing to shot of Buckshot (Q) in your face just tumble backwards and he missed his primary damage skill and he cannot go agressive for next few seconds which goes in your favor if you want to trade , lategame your mechanics will decide who wins 1v1 (by that i mean dodging his ultimate/buckshot)

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Just dont fight him until u have Phantom Dancer . Twitch is easy to lane against , dodge his (W) so he cannot get poision stacks easily on you , also you can all in him as soon as you get lvl 6 , 1 good condemn into the wall should do the work


PlayerPlayer dmg is so dangerous city

Caitlyn is a real bully early game , specially if her duo with most ANNOYING Nami / Lulu in the game and pokes you to death ... The best way to deal with her is to farm passivly since you outscale her easily


Lucian is lane bully , later on you outscale him but your laning is going to be nightmare if lucian player is good


Jinx is a powerful trader in lane , but her late game power is equal yours , jinx is a hypercarry , that means she can melt your teammates in matter of seconds , try to take her down as soon as possible


Tristana is powerful late-game ADC since her passive gives her more attack range for every level she gains. Laning against her is easy , as soon as she puts her (E) on you , do not trade because you cannot get away with more health


Draven is a strong pick against Vayne , he can barelly two-shot later on , but if you hit a good condemn he should fall easily


Corki is famous of his early poke ,his poke can absolutely destroy you ,try to farm as much as you can and only way you can win trades is that you dodge his Q , Corki is extremely powerful mid-game so try not to engage him 1v1 until lategame where he falls off and becomes pray and you the Hunter

I will update this guide soon !