Poe Wiki Added Fire Dmg

  1. Poe Wiki Added Fire Dmg In Mac
  2. Poe Wiki Added Fire Dmg 1

Apr 21, 2018  added fire is just a flat amount of fire damage added to spells/attacks. It can be thought of like the anger aura, except the amount of fire damage you get is based on the physical damage of the skill. So if you deal 100 phys damage, added fire would add 44 fire damage.

True, awakened gems would be nice.
Didn't realize that.
I think I found my starter.
Lets see which endgame weapon we can use.

Realm Ender would be nice for everything, bosses or not.
I have a feeling that beefy gems might be the new 7L
All builds: http://www.angryroleplayer.com/path-of-exile-builds/
Posted by
on Dec 11, 2019, 5:17:17 PM
I have a question, because of the new buff to enemies armor.
Could i use the gloves Triad Grip to convert all the phisical dmg from SRS into all fire or half fire/half chaos dmg somehow?
It would result in a loss of dps?
If it is good, the support gems of SRS would be the same because the gloves convert all the buffs from the gems into elemental dmg or should i change the support gems?
I don't know if you have tested this with Triad Grip.
Thank you so much.
Last edited by hawok on Dec 12, 2019, 12:55:23 AM
Posted by
on Dec 12, 2019, 12:53:45 AM
awakened added fire dmg with +1 to fire gems looks nice... maybe instead of ele dmg gem?
Oh.. or is it only fire support gems and not fire skill gems :/
Last edited by Donnie_D on Dec 12, 2019, 2:30:09 AM
Posted by
on Dec 12, 2019, 2:26:01 AM
I have a question, because of the new buff to enemies armor.
Could i use the gloves Triad Grip to convert all the phisical dmg from SRS into all fire or half fire/half chaos dmg somehow?
It would result in a loss of dps?
If it is good, the support gems of SRS would be the same because the gloves convert all the buffs from the gems into elemental dmg or should i change the support gems?
I don't know if you have tested this with Triad Grip.
Thank you so much.

Will not be more damage as srs are not entirely physical
All builds: http://www.angryroleplayer.com/path-of-exile-builds/
Posted by
on Dec 12, 2019, 6:33:26 AM
I have a question, because of the new buff to enemies armor.
Could i use the gloves Triad Grupos to convert all the phisical dmg from SRS into all fire or half fire/half chaos dmg somehow?
It would result in a loss of dps?
If it is good, the support gems of SRS would be the same because the gloves convert all the buffs from the gems into elemental dmg or should i change the support gems?
I don't know if you have tested this with Triad Grip.
Thank you so much.

Will not be more damage as srs are not entirely physical

Yeah, i know that, but probably the enemy armour buffs is too much and the physical dmg is reduced a lot, idk.
You could convert all the dmg to fire with the gloves and use awakenned fire penetration, awakenned fire dmg and some other fire gems or physical dmg gems because they are converted to fire anyways. I dont know how much will be the dmg, i should do the maths later with the PoB updated.
Last edited by hawok on Dec 12, 2019, 9:27:35 AM
Posted by
on Dec 12, 2019, 7:13:37 AM
V 1.4 Update (12/12/2019):
-POBs (both starter and end-game) updated for 3.9 (added Pantheons so make sure you use FORK for POB). No new gems yet!
-With the nerf to FORTIFY staffs i've reused Realm Ender as a main weapon for now (until some new mods will resurface). Still 7 MILLION DPS.
All builds: http://www.angryroleplayer.com/path-of-exile-builds/
Last edited by Angry_Roleplayer on Dec 12, 2019, 8:47:41 PM
Posted by
on Dec 12, 2019, 8:47:04 PM
try more like 3M DPS, due to new monster armour scaling.
Posted by
on Dec 12, 2019, 8:48:54 PM
try more like 3M DPS, due to new monster armour scaling.

Not really, since srs are mostly fire damage and cold with some lightning as well. Not much phys damage.
All builds: http://www.angryroleplayer.com/path-of-exile-builds/
Posted by
on Dec 12, 2019, 8:56:35 PM
Great guide but POB are not working since you updated them :)
Posted by
on Dec 13, 2019, 7:45:56 PM
Golem or this build, help me guys.
Posted by
on Dec 13, 2019, 8:40:27 PM
Poe wiki added fire dmg 1

Poe Wiki Added Fire Dmg In Mac

So i got a full respec after the patch and im bored with my reave shadow.
I was thinking to make something fun and unusual with him, so I came with this idea.
Basically its an EK build based around added chaos dmg gem.
As the gem give a flat chaos dmg, this could scale nicely with the chaos nodes, and cause its not ele I would not have to worry about reflect and stuff like that.
I had HC in mind making it, but could be as well used for SC.
So to get to the point here is the skills tree I made (v2 after some tips :)):

Atm there is no leveling guide for it, as its in concept stage.
4L: EK + faster casting + faster projectiles + added chaos dmg
5L: EK + faster casting + faster projectiles + added chaos dmg + added fire dmg
6L: EK + faster casting + faster projectiles + added chaos dmg + added fire dmg + ???
let me know what u guys think :)
I forgot to mention (if anyone would not noticed from the tree) this build would use AA for a lot of dmg reduction, also it would require to have mana leech on ring(s), from my experience life leech is not a must have as a gem, and a decent amu with 4% leech is more then enough to keep you alive, thx to AA and MOM.
YES I support the game, NO I dont agree with many GGG decisions
Atlas of Worlds is the worst thing that happen to POE.
Lab still sucks balls.
Last edited by Miazga on Mar 13, 2014, 10:20:58 PM
Posted by
on Mar 13, 2014, 12:13:33 AM
Sounds fun, you might wanna add life leach gem in there if you're going for HC build though. Only thing I can see is dropping two of the 6% HP nodes from Scion wheel and grabbing 2 of the 4 8% nodes just under the ranger start.
Posted by
on Mar 13, 2014, 2:50:49 AM
have u tried leveling with this build in HC yet, if so then tell me how it is. very interesting idea for a build tho. also, why take the fire nodes at the beginning in shadow?
Last edited by risko on Mar 13, 2014, 7:15:14 PM
Posted by
on Mar 13, 2014, 6:58:42 PM
Sounds fun, you might wanna add life leach gem in there if you're going for HC build though. Only thing I can see is dropping two of the 6% HP nodes from Scion wheel and grabbing 2 of the 4 8% nodes just under the ranger start.

well spotted, will include this change :) thx!
have u tried leveling with this build in HC yet, if so then tell me how it is. very interesting idea for a build tho. also, why take the fire nodes at the beginning in shadow?

No I haven't but I will.
I did play a EK scion in SC ( lvl 72) and in nemesis (lvl 64). I was a classic EK build simmilar to ziggyd's. the play is really enjoable its not gear dependent and you only need 1 unique really:

this will help you GREATLY, tbh on my nemesis scion is still use it.
EK scales superb and it cost very little unitl u 5/6L it. It's great again group as well as single target, event tho there is a place in this build for a decent boss fight skill, dont know what will it be yet ;)
The flame nodes where there as I was thinking to invest some point in flame ele dmg but may as well drop it and go physical + chaos.
I've upgraded the tree
YES I support the game, NO I dont agree with many GGG decisions
Atlas of Worlds is the worst thing that happen to POE.
Lab still sucks balls.
Posted by
on Mar 13, 2014, 10:17:16 PM
Hi, I am playing critical EK on standard and my advice is, if you don´t want to play it pure crit do not invest that points into critical nodes, cause EK has only 5% crit chance base and these nodes won´t make such difference. If you want to make it crit build you´ll have to invest some points into power charges. Another thing is not to take Mind drinker - wont work with EK (its not an attack). Aloso im not sure how many auras you are willing to run? If hatred + grace + discipline or clarity i think you won´t have enough mana pool to MoM be effective and you´ll run in serious mana issues in combat.
My passive tree on standard

using block chance with saffels frame and rainbowstride to deal with reflect - works preatty well but need more testing
here are the changes i would make if i were you (i used more points though)

bandit rewards: +40 life, 18% phys damage, power chage
uniques void battery, mings heart
I think it should work just fine
Last edited by santi_19 on Mar 14, 2014, 10:42:39 AM
Posted by
on Mar 14, 2014, 10:17:12 AM
I played several EK builds since closed beta and here is my feedback:
- Lifeleech support gem is absolutely mandatory imho - it simply is the best defense you can get with EK!
- It is a SPELL and so Lifeleech or mana leech on gear does NOT work
- It is a SPELL and so the 'added chaos dmg' gets boosted by spell dmg nodes - so no need at all to get chaos dmg nodes, wich only affect the tiny chaos dmg part.
- added xxx flat dmg gems profit the most from base castspeed - EK is basically the worst spell in terms of base castspeed, so the worst skill to use added flat dmg gems
- 'crit chane+crit dmg' or 'righteous fire' or 'low life dmg boosts' are the only ways to really boost EK DPS (besides of double cursing). Stacking 'increased dmg mods dont do much since you already get so much from belt, wand and shield.
added fire also just adds to Hatred -> you wont do much more than 10k DPS in lategame with high end gear without an extra 'more' multiplier.
Imho RF just limits the pool of map mods you can run and you dont have a 100% uptime, so its not a real option for me, with a low life ES build you'll have even more problems with reflect and surviveability due to low armour...
So going crit with EK is the only way to reach 15-20k DPS in lategame
- EK is insanely mana hungry... 78 Mana per cast!! on lvl 16 with only a 4L....
-----+ IGN: KnifeInKnifeOut +-----
~~~~ HC Shop: view-thread/1086194 ~~~~
Posted by
on Mar 14, 2014, 4:52:28 PM

Poe Wiki Added Fire Dmg 1

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