Wastes Set Dungeon Too Much Dmg

Jan 29, 2016  The Wastes Set Dungeon is probably the most difficult Barbarian Set Dungeon to complete, due to the objective of not taking any physical damage, while trying to gather up enough mobs to cast Rend. I have optimised this build for Fury Generation and speed to avoid getting hit by using Sprint, Warcry (with Chilaniks Chain) and Battle Rage with the Ferocity (speed) rune.

  1. Wastes Set Dungeon Too Much Dmg In Windows 7
  2. Wastes Set Dungeon Too Much Dmg 2
  3. Set Dungeon Wastes
  4. Wastes Set Dungeon Too Much Dmg 2
  5. Wastes Set Dungeon Too Much Dmg Lyrics

Wastes Set Dungeon Too Much Dmg In Windows 7

Build Guide

After spending literally all day mastering this most frustrating dungeon, I felt it needed a more in depth guide than the PTR ones that are floating around. Of the 9 dungeons I have mastered so far, this is the only one that angered me. The others could be a little frustrating, but nothing like this one.

A few notes before running through my process.

  • In the upper left corner of the map, there is a small spot behind a walk-through wall that usually hides a mob. It is not visible on the map. Quin69's video shows it (he forgets to mention it though, so just look for it).
  • You can usually safely whirlwind through the Armaddons. Just don't stop anywhere close to them.
  • You are usually safer standing a little bit in front of the melee attacks instead of a little behind the mob swinging. Probably something to do with getting closer in order to go behind, and the start of the swing already registering a hit. Or lag. I don't know.
  • Sprint with Gangway makes it easy to walk through mobs without getting hit, but harder to group them. Effective at knocking the elites out of their attack animation, allowing you to whirlwind on them pretty much with impunity.
  • Whirlwind with Hurricane helps avoid getting hit as well, but when moving through the halls with traps it will throw mobs behind you making you backtrack a little.
  • Only Whirlwind when you know you don't have a good Rend opportunity. The little guys melt.
  • The combo for getting the Rends is: Sprint through/around the mobs, Furious Charge to the middle of the mobs, Ground Stomp to group them, Rend, and then Whirlwind to kill/get away.

I originally tried leaving the big open area near the start for last, since I knew I couldn't clear it without the mobs showing up on the map. However it seems easier to clear the rest of the map starting on the right rather than the left. Upon entering the dungeon I quickly War Cry into Furious Charge, making sure to break the cart on the right for the movespeed from the Armguards. Clear the first little hallway, trying for a rend if it seems right. Furious Charge out the exit on the right, directly into a Sprint. With decent RNG, you will be able to get a couple of Rends in this area. I ignore the left side leaving it for the end, but try to clear the rest of the open area. You should be able to ignore the mobs just inside the entrance on the right, bringing them with you to the area in front of the trap hallways. Getting 5 Rends at first seems pretty hard, but at this point it's certainly possible (though not likely) to already get to 4. You want to make sure to clear both trap hallways, and watch for mobs slowly following who might get stuck in a hallway that you already cleared. Exit to the north on the right, continuing to look for Rend opportunities while clearing. Upon entering the complex on the left, you will find the hidden area you have to clear. Once you get down to around the top of the trap hallways, you will hopefully get to the point where the mobs show on the map. That saves time with the required backtracking of the halls. From there it's down and back into the open area that you started in, and hopefully with no missed mobs.

I don't have the time to make a proper guide, but after hours of frustration, I wanted there to be something more out there. Hopefully it helps.

Build Guide

This is the main player, barbarian build who will get the achievement. A second player, DPS range ideally, will follow the main player at distance to clear the monsters after the rend requirements have been attempted in any given area. With this set, I've completed the achievement with 2 minutes to spare thanks to a strong DH DPS cleaner. No pull support character is needed with this build. This helps reduce the risk for anyone else in the group to get physical damage (dungeon is failed immediately if anyone takes physical damage).

Passive skills are all here to increase your fury, so is war cry which you can put on auto hotkey to recast as soon as CD is cleared. NoS is not useful for this dungeon even in hardcore because no death is permanent in the dungeon, instead the dungeon is failed.

Wastes Set Dungeon Too Much Dmg 2

Threatening shout is also best on auto hotkey so it helps drag monsters with you while not distracting you from other key skills.


Set Dungeon Wastes

The Ess of Johan and WW are essential to gather monsters. Once they trigger and you have more than 10 monsters close-by, use ground stump to group them real close and stun them again, then immediately rend. Do rend just once per group. If you do it a second time, the monsters are already affected by the previous rend and it does not count towards the rend requirement for the dungeon. On the contrary by wasting time you risk that one monster comes out of stun and hits you with a physical attack.

The tricky part is the elites who cast walls and can potentially trap you - hitting you with the physical damage than looses the dungeon. Use the illusionary boost to WALK through the walls; do not WW when you want to cross a wall for WW gets you stuck. Otherwise use WW all the time to pull enemies and pass quickly through.

Wastes Set Dungeon Too Much Dmg 2


Wastes Set Dungeon Too Much Dmg Lyrics

Once you have done the 5 times hitting 10 monsters with rend, run back to an area with no monsters while the support range DPS teammate clears all monsters from a distance.