What Dmg Do Shields Actually Block Gloomhaven

  1. What Dmg Do Shields Actually Block Gloomhaven On Tabletop
Max Block Shields for Sorceress
My first love, first made character for new ladder seasons, and favorite character to play even after I build a few others, is my 'Tank Sorc'. It's a variation of a classic Max Block/ES/TK Sorc - but I use very specific gear that most might not use on this build, and I depart from most other theorycrafters by keeping my life and mana about equal so I never am endangered by Blood Curse. (My theory on that is: not only does Blood Curse wound the very heart of what a Sorc does, namely casting, but also with Mana Burn being bugged I like to have some Life and Block/PDR as a backup if ES falls, and in practice this method has worked out flawlessly for me).
My main question involves shield choices, and this is relevant now more than usual because with the new ladder reset I will most likely have to consider other gear options to start off with, until enough wealth is gathered in the community that I can find/trade for the items I am comfortable with.
I am a junkie for going thru old ES sorc posts, and also Max Block and Shield selection posts... but one annoying thing I've noticed is how repetitive and narrow the shield choices seems to be. Sadly I am also pretty darn bad at Math
So I was hoping someone could tell me why the Sorc shields discussion always seems to revolve around Whitstan's vs Upped Visc vs Stormshield? I mean, they open the door with Upping, but then they never talk about Moser's Upped, both with Diamonds in the 2os, and alternatively Elds in the 2os. Also Gerke's Sanctuary... both of these shields in my opinion would be worth including in the tables, compared in various versions of socketed and Upped - especially since they are putting ridiculous options in the comparison table like shields with under 60% block.
I know part of this exclusion is the classic belief that shields providing resist aren't worth looking at because an ES build shouldn't need resists. But my Tank Sorc always has capped resists along with absorb items... I just don't see the point of a build that is suppose to be tough if you have such glaring weaknesses, and my Sorc doesn't even blink in full Hell Baal runs if her ES falls. So in light of the fact that I want to consider Resist stats as part of the opportunity cost when considering gear/charms/stat allocation, does anyone smarter than me have an opinion on which shield at it's best stage, will provide the best anchor to this build?
In my heart I really like Gerke's, but even this last ladder season I hadn't gotten a chance to obtain one to experiment with. Since Moser's drops A LOT, for the start of next season I was considering Upping when I can get my hands on one, and testing the flexibility with the 2 open sockets. As a last resort I will of course grab a trusty Whitstan's, since it does save tons of points on Dex, and can be socketed with an Eld for even more Dex savings.
Any opinions? You math gurus could probably point out whether an Upped Moser's with Elds would help enough on resists to allow more Life/Mana charms, or if it wouldn't provide enough blocking in comparison to a Eld'd Whitstan's to save enough Dex points to make it worth it for your Life/Mana pool. The only thing I know for sure is how bad the return is on Vitality, but it gets murky for me trying to weigh all the opportunity costs of the various stats
DmgWhat dmg do shields actually block gloomhaven game

What Dmg Do Shields Actually Block Gloomhaven On Tabletop

Dec 06, 2017  I spend so much time writing updates to my Gloomhaven Kickstarter backers, I very often neglect the (hopefully) thousands of people hoping to buy Gloomhaven once it hits retail. So today I thought I’d take some time to explain what is going on with that whole situation. We pick up our story where we left it: with a bunch of pre-orders from distributors and a bright, optimistic future in. The bottom ability can be used on allies who are long resting for the round. In such case, when their long rest occurs at the end of the round, they do not recover any discards (because they have none), and thus do not have to lose any cards.