Excess Of Dmg In Alcohol

Alcohol’s impact on your body starts from the moment you take your first sip. While an occasional glass of wine with dinner isn’t a cause for concern, the cumulative effects of drinking wine.

OK – I have a batch of silver nitrate that contains about 40 oz of silver that is testing positive for Pd with DMG (DMG dissolved by the old water boil method)
I burned out the 3.3 V 28 amp computer power supply I was using to run my Ag cell & have tried some lower amperage supplies but they only run a short time before burning up & now I am out of working power supplies. (so silver cell is not an option for me right now)
So I was thinking of dropping the Pd from the Ag nitrate using DMG then going with AgCL to recover my silver --- I read GSPs thread on DMG (under Chemicals) & was going to use irons method of dissolving the DMG with methanol (HEET in the yellow bottle) --- but then I got to thinking --- I know that alcohol added to acidic metal salt solutions can & will form explosive compounds. Example – mercury + nitric acid + alcohol = mercury fulminate --- so I did a Wiki search & came up with thisExcess
Mercury(II) fulminate is prepared by dissolving mercury in nitric acid and adding ethanol to the solution. It was first prepared by Edward Charles Howard in 1800.[1]
Silver fulminate can be prepared in a similar way, but this salt is even more unstable than mercury fulminate; it can even explode under water.Alcohol

Excess Of Dmg In Alcohol List

This compound (silver fulminate) can be prepared by the reaction of concentrated nitric acid with silver metal and ethanol, under careful control of the reaction conditions, to avoid explosion. Only very tiny amounts of silver fulminate should be prepared at once, as even the weight of the crystals can cause them to self-detonate.
Silver fulminate can be prepared unintentionally, when an acidic solution of silver nitrate comes in contact with alcohol. This is a hazard in the chemical silvering of mirrors.Dmg
So you can see my concern. My question is – how much of a hazard is there in dissolving DMG with methanol & then using it as a precip agent &/or even in testing.
In the above mentioned thread Harold suggested using just enough methanol to dissolve the DMG & then diluting with water to prevent evaporation – would this work to make a safe DMG precip reagent. Another words if you use “just”

Excess Of Dmg In Alcohol Formula

enough methonal to dissolve the DMG & then dilute with water – does the DMG cancal out the effect of the methanol to form a fulminate.
Just looking for a way around the old boil in water method – if possible --- thoughts, coments or suggestions welcome

Excess Of Dmg In Alcohol Content
