Ilence The Informant Objectives Lvl 4 Dmg Type

Sep 24, 2016  Group 4: (50-60km) Tip: Elite Drone Parasite battleships will deal heavy Thermal/Kin damage. Recommended order for elimination: Group 2, Group 4, Group 3 and finally Group 1. Recommend therm dmg here (or kinetic if you have bonus). The sentry towers do not have to destroyed to be able to use the gate.

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This article details the Level 4 variant of this mission. For other level variants, see Angel Extravaganza (disambiguation).

Angel Extravaganza is a mission involving combat against the Angel Cartel.

ObjectiveKill Tiogo Kargaz
FactionAngel Cartel
Best damage to deal Ex Kin
Damage to resist Ex Kin
Warp disruptionAngel Viper/Webifier, Spider Drone II
EWARWeb, target painters
Ship suggestionDominix, Paladin
ExtraAngel Diamond Tag to unlock the Bonus pocket
Mission briefing
We've been gathering information from our agents within the Cartel to prepare ourselves for a possible attack on our assets. So far, we've found out only that they are planning a major offensive against a target within Weraroix, possibly to occur today. While the target remains unknown to us, we've managed to discover the meeting point of some of their forces. I want you to gather whatever help you can muster, fly out to the meeting points, and deliver a devastating blow to their fleet. That should deter them from any attack inside Weraroix and send them a message they won't soon forget.

Just don't forget what you're up against. We have no idea how many ships are out there ― all we know is where five of their rendezvous points are. Destroy any and all targets you can find there, then report back to me. If there're too many of them out there, then get some help; I'm sure some of our other agents in the vicinity would be willing to give you a hand.

Example clear videos can be found featuring a Sentry Dominix and a Paladin.


Silence the informant objectives lvl 4 dmg type 1


  • Bring an Angel Diamond Tag to unlock the Bonus pocket gate.
  • Auto aggro from initial groups in every room. The spawns may target your drones.
  • No Hostiles at initial gate.
  • Identifying the spawn trigger may be tricky, it is usually the highest bounty Battleship yet not always or could be one that flies differently.
  • Fit for DPS, tanking doesn't require much, with the exception of bonus room.

1st pocket

Acceleration gate to next pocket is at 13km. The acceleration gate is locked until all ships are dead.

Tip: Killing the structures (scanner post or angel tactical outpost (both?)) will remove the 2nd spawn.

Ilence The Informant Objectives Lvl 4 Dmg Type


2 x Frigate Angel Viper
3 x Battlecruiser Gistatis Praefectus/Tribuni
3 x Battleship Gist Commander/General/War General

Wave 1 (20 km)

2 x Battlecruiser Gistatis Praefectus/Tribuni
2 x Battleship Gist General/War General/Warlord


2 x Elite Frigate Angel Viper/ Webifier
2 x Battleship Gist War General/Warlord

2nd pocket

Acceleration gate to next pocket is at 5km. The gate is locked until all ships are destroyed.

Initial defenders

2 x Destroyer Gistior Seizer/Trasher
2 x Battlecruiser Gistatis Tribunus/Praefectus
1 x Battleship Gist Saint/Warlord


2 x Battlecruiser Gistatis Tribunus/Tribuni
2 x Battleship Gist Saint/Warlord/War General

Wave 2 (55 km)

2 x Frigate Angel Viper
1 x Elite Cruiser Arch Gistum Liquidator/Marauder
2 x Battlecruiser Gistatis Primus/ Tribuni
1 x Battleship Gist Warlord/ Saint/ Nephilim

3rd Pocket

Acceleration gate to next pocket is at 5km. One battleship with multiple sentries. Killing the battleship unlocks the gate so the sentries do not need to be killed.


1 x Battleship Gist Warlord/ Saint/ Nephilim
3 x Sentry Angel Sentry
7 x Sentry Angel Light Missile
2 x Sentry Angel Heavy Missile

4th pocket

Multiple waves. Every one of the battleships triggers the next wave.


  • Blow up the Storage Silo and the Radio Telescope and the spawns won't appear.
  • Storage Silo will drop a random Hardwiring Implant (3%) and T1 modules.

Initial defenders (40 km)

3 x Frigate Angel Viperweb
2 x Battlecruiser Gistatis Praefectus/Tribuni
2 x Battleship Gist Warlord/Saint/Nephilim


2 x Frigate Angel Viperweb
4 x Battleship Gist Warlord/Saint/Nephilim

Wave 2 (70 km)

2 x Frigate Angel Viperweb
3 x Battleship Gist Warlord/Saint/Nephilim


3 x Battlecruiser Gistatis Tribunus/Praefectus
1 x Battleship Gist Warlord/Saint

5th pocket

Multiple waves. Every time the last battleship of a wave triggers next wave. Mission is completed once Tiogo Kargaz is killed.

Bonus pocket:

  • The acceleration gate leads to the Bonus Pocket.
  • Fleet members may use the acceleration gate without the tag if they do it within 10 seconds after activation.

Initial defenders

1 x Destroyer Gistior Seizer/Trasher
2 x Battlecruiser Gistatis Tribunus/Legatus
2 x Battleship Gist War General/General


2 x Destroyer Gistior Haunter/Defacer
5 x Battlecruiser Gistatis Primus/Tribuni
1 x Battleship Gist Warlord/Saint

Wave 2 (45 km)

3 x Frigate Angel Viper
3 x Battleship Gist Warlord/Saint


2 x Drone Spider Drone II
1 x Battleship Tiogo Kargaz

Bonus Pocket

Fit with either very high DPS to take out most of the aggro, or with a massive tank to not worry about that.Move away from the Angel Bunker to buy you a bit of time to kill the sentries as the enemy ships try to close in.Eliminating all the Angel Cruise Missile Batteries and Tower Sentry Angel III first will negate a significant portion of the incoming damage.

Do not kill the Gist Seraphim trigger, wait until you have cleared the pocket from all other hostile targets.The Single Spawn isn't triggered if you destroy the Angel Bunker before Killing the Gist Seraphim.Depending on the spawns, damage is Explosive (49- 55%)/ Kinetic (22- 28%)/ EM (7- 14%)/ Thermal (9- 15%).The Sentry Towers deal equal EM/ Thermal. Angel Cruise Batteries, Arch Gistii Ruffian, and Gistatis Tribunis deal lots of Thermal.Angel Viper, Gistatis Legatus, Gist Malakim, and Gist Throne deal EM. Removing these may help your tank, depending on how you decide to set up.


  • Angel Cruise Missile Batteries spam Cataclysm Cruise Missiles every 25 secs. Each missile deals 900 Thermal damage at 0% resist.
  • Angel Light Missile Battery fire Piranha Light Missiles.
  • Tower Sentry Angel III fires every 2- 3 sec, each hit deals 80- 250 Explosive damage at 0% resist.

Angel Battle Station & Angel Bunker drop T1 modules and ammo. The Angel Battle Station has over 400k hp and has not been observed to drop anything of significant value so it may not be worth destroying.


2 x Frigate Angel Viper
2 x Elite Frigate Arch Gistii Ruffian/Nomad
4 x Elite Cruiser Arch Gistum Breaker
3 x Battlecruiser Gistatis Legatus/Tribunus
4 x Battleship Gist Malakim/Warlord/Nephilim
1 x Battleship Gist Seraphim
2 x Sentry Tower Sentry Angel II
5 x Sentry Tower Sentry Angel III
2 x Sentry Angel Light Missile Battery
3 x Sentry Angel Cruise Missile Battery


4 x Battleship Gist Throne/Malakim


  • Pocket 1: Kill all the structures then kill the initial ships and spawn.
  • Pocket 2: Kill all ships.
  • Pocket 3: Kill the Battleship, ignore everything else.
  • Pocket 4: Kill the Silo (bookmark the can) and the Radio Telescope, then kill all ships.
  • Pocket 5: Kill the Battleships, starting with the highest bounty of each group to trigger spawns, kill Tiogo Kargaz you're done.
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ObjectiveKill the informant
FactionRogue Drones, Mercenaries
Best damage to deal Kin Th
Damage to resist Kin Th
Warp disruptionElite frigates
Mission briefing
Yes, I do and I think this is something you'll love <Character>. We have a bit of a problem on our hands with a recently fired employee of ours. He was working as a deep cover agent for us, and now he is threatening to release all the information to DED about what we have been doing. We cannot have this happen. If he does make it to the DED headquarters in Yulai, Federal Intelligence Office will face serious repercussions. Eliminate this threat as soon as possible to ensure that he doesn't get the information to DED agents. I'll put into your way-points where he was last seen. Return here and let me know that he is dead.

Video: [Tengu], [Raven], [Raven Navy Issue], [Sentry Dominix]

You have to kill everything except the sentries. In third room snipe and kill the lone cruiser. Warp out.

The mission is flagged complete once you've killed the named Ex-Elite Secret Agent.

No Hostiles at Initial Gate.

1st pocket

Acceleration gate to next pocket is at 4km. The gate is locked until all ships are destroyed. Sentries do not need to be destroyed.
Auto-aggro from the Sentry Towers, attacking them will aggro the entire pocket (use to draw 3rd group closer). Other groups can be agressed one by one.
Battleships deal very high thermal and kinetic damage. It is recommended to take them out first.
Aggressive drones may attack the sentries and cause unwanted aggro. Watch out for drone aggro.

Group 1
2 x Sentry Tower Sentry Drone II
Group 2 (60 km)
6 x Battlecruiser Enforcer/Striker Alvatis
Group 3 (80 km)
2 x Battleship Elite Drone Parasite
Group 4 (70 km)
3 x Battleship Elite Drone Parasite

2nd Pocket (Mercenaries)

Acceleration gate to next pocket is at 6km. The gate is locked until all ships are destroyed.
No auto aggro but elite frigates will target drones.
Groups can be agressed individually
Some of the battleships will have unique names. The named battleships do not appear to drop anything special and seem to be just normal mercenary ships with new name.

Group 1 (10-20 km)
4 x Elite Frigate Mercenary Wingman
4 x Cruiser Mercenary Commander
1 x Battleship Mercenary Overlord
Group 2 (55 km)
2 x Drone Spider Drone I
3 x Elite Frigate Mercenary Wingman
5 x Cruiser Mercenary Commander
Group 3 (55 km)
2 x Drone Spider Drone I
2 x Battleship Mercenary Overlord/named
Group 4 (90 km)
4 x Cruiser Mercenary Commander
1 x Battleship Mercenary Overlord/named

3rd Pocket (Ex-Elite Secret Agent)

Auto aggro from the Sentries. Far Sentries (100km and more) will not aggro until you approach closer than 99km. Attacking any of the Sentries will aggro the lone cruiser.

Blow up the cruiser and return to your agent.

Silence The Informant Objectives Lvl 4 Dmg Type 1

The target cruiser is 45 km from warpin. The roadhouse structure drops T1 modules. In L3 variant of this mission it also drops modules but this has not been confirmed for L4 variant.

Silence The Informant Objectives Lvl 4 Dmg Type 3


1 x Cruiser Kioran Jeraulek
3 x Sentry Tower Sentry Drone II
5 x Sentry Tower Sentry Drone III

Silence The Informant Objectives Lvl 4 Dmg Type 2


2nd Pocket has 4 Veldspar asteroids of 1,200 units each (56- 90km).

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