Spyder 3.1.4 Dmg

Release Date: Nov. 10, 2013

  1. Spyder 3.1.4 Dmg Review
  2. Spyder 3.1.4 Dmg Download

Note: Python 2.7.6 has been superseded by Python 2.7.8.

Python 2.7.6 was released on November 10, 2013. This is a 2.7 series bugfixrelease. Most importantly, it resolves an issue that caused the interactive prompt tocrash on OS X 10.9. It also includes numerous bugfixes over 2.7.5.

This is a production release. Please report any bugs you encounter.

We currently support these formats for download:

The binaries for AMD64 will also work on processors that implement the Intel 64 architecture (formerly EM64T), i.e. The architecture that Microsoft calls x64, and AMD called x86-64 before calling it AMD64. Dismiss Stay up to date on releases. Create your free account today to subscribe to this repository for notifications about new releases, and build software alongside 40 million developers on GitHub.

  • Mac OS X 64-bit/32-bit x86-64/i386 Installer (2.7.6) for Mac OS X10.6 and later[2](sig). [You may need anupdated Tcl/Tk install to run IDLE or use Tkinter, see note 2 for instructions.]
  • Mac OS X 32-bit i386/PPC Installer (2.7.6) for Mac OS X 10.3 andlater[2](sig).

The source tarballs are signed with Benjamin Peterson's key, which has key id18ADD4FF. The Windows installer was signed by Martin von Löwis' public key,which has a key id of 7D9DC8D2. The Mac installers were signed with Ned Deily'skey, which has a key id of 6F5E1540. The public keys are located on thedownload page.

MD5 checksums and sizes of the released files:

  • Complete change log for this release.
  • Report bugs at http://bugs.python.org.
  • Help fund Python and its community.

Among the features and improvements to Python 2.6 introduced in the 2.7 seriesare

  • An ordered dictionary type
  • New unittest features including test skipping, new assert methods, and testdiscovery
  • A much faster io module
  • Automatic numbering of fields in the str.format() method
  • Float repr improvements backported from 3.x
  • Tile support for Tkinter
  • A backport of the memoryview object from 3.x
  • Set literals
  • Set and dictionary comprehensions
  • Dictionary views
  • New syntax for nested with statements
  • The sysconfig module
Spyder 3.1.4 dmg free
[1](1, 2) The binaries for AMD64 will also work on processors that implement the Intel 64 architecture (formerly EM64T), i.e. the architecture that Microsoft calls x64, and AMD called x86-64 before calling it AMD64. They will not work on Intel Itanium Processors (formerly IA-64).
Spyder 3.1.4 Dmg
[2](1, 2) There is important information about IDLE, Tkinter, and Tcl/Tk on Mac OSX here.
VersionOperating SystemDescriptionMD5 SumFile SizeGPG
Gzipped source tar ballSource release1d8728eb0dfcac72a0fd99c17ec7f38614725931
XZ compressed source tar ballSource releasebcf93efa8eaf383c98ed3ce40b76349710431288
Mac OS X 32-bit i386/PPC InstallerMac OS Xfor Mac OS X 10.3 and later [2] (sig).b721f7899e131dfdc0f33d805a90a67720588267
Mac OS X 64-bit/32-bit x86-64/i386 InstallerMac OS XFor Mac OS X 10.6 and later. You may need an updated Tcl/Tk install to run IDLE or use Tkinter, see note 2 for instructions.a2b0f708dcd5e22148e52ae77c6cdd3e20169125
Windows help fileWindowsef628818d054401bdfb186a1faa8b5b66010777
Windows X86-64 MSI InstallerWindowsb73f8753c76924bc7b75afaa6d30464516674816
Windows X86-64 MSI program databaseWindowse4866ce2f277d1f8e41d6fdf0296799d17458242
Windows x86 MSI InstallerWindowsac54e14f7ba180253b9bae6635d822ea16281600
Windows x86 MSI program databaseWindowsec3184d886efdc4c679eeaed5f62643b18244674

Python 3.1 has been superseded by 3.1.1. You can download 3.1.1.

Python 3.1 final was released on June 27th, 2009.


Python 3.1 is a continuation of the work started by Python 3.0, the newbackwards-incompatible series of Python. Improvements in this release include:

  • An ordered dictionary type
  • Various optimizations to the int type
  • New unittest features including test skipping and new assert methods.
  • A much faster io module
  • Tile support for Tkinter
  • A pure Python reference implementation of the import statement
  • New syntax for nested with statements

See these resources for further information:

  • Python 3.1 change log.
  • Report bugs at http://bugs.python.org.
  • Help fund Python and its community.

This is a production release.

We currently support these formats for download:

Spyder 3.1.4 Dmg Review

The source tarballs and Mac installer are signed with Benjamin Peterson's key(fingerprint: 12EF 3DC3 8047 DA38 2D18 A5B9 99CD EA9D A413 5B38). The Windowsinstallers are signed with Martin von Löwis' public key which has a key id of7D9DC8D2. The public keys are located on the download page.

SHA1 checksums and sizes of the released files:

Spyder 3.1.4 Dmg Download

[1]The binaries for AMD64 will also work on processors that implement the Intel 64 architecture (formerly EM64T), i.e. the architecture that Microsoft calls x64, and AMD called x86-64 before calling it AMD64. They will not work on Intel Itanium Processors (formerly IA-64).